An Evening with Mother

When you have reached the age of 101, many things change. Once important things are discarded. People begin to fade away. They dress in beige, grey or black. Perhaps a navy blue jacket is worn to liven things up. These ladies have “let the old woman in,” as my sister famously quoted. Not every woman allows this.
My Mother loves bright color. She dresses every day, in a way that suggests she is about to go to an elegant luncheon. And she is always wearing lipstick and jewelry. Her pretty blond hair is styled. Her blue eyes sparkle. She smiles. She waves her gloved hands to gesture at guests. She is animated by and interested in men.
She has always loved ‘action.’ She loves to be around people. She thrives on company or going out to parties. Dancing was her favorite activity. Now the men are gone or too feeble to be safe holding her in their arms. She is pretty frail herself. Dancing is no longer an option most of the time. Only when some of her strong grandsons take her in their arms does she manage a dance or two.

She loves her dog Dandy Dude. And he loves her. Don’t come too close to Mother if he is by her side. He is very protective. He knows she is his person. He follows her everywhere. He lies quietly beside her on the sofa, or snuggles near her in her bed. He is her constant companion.
She lives an establishment life of style from another era. But it is the only way she understands. Lucky for her, all of her family and all of the helpers agree. She will never have to live any other way.

Eating with Mother can be an adventure. She sometimes forgets her manners. She makes faces at food she no longer enjoys. She has few inhibitions. She loves Brownies! And we love to watch her pleasure in her nightly treat. May we all be so lucky when we reach 101.
Copyright?. 2019 Bonnie B. Matheson