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Category: Rant

Mistakes Were NOT Made

Mistakes Were NOT Made

This title was inspired by Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass. Her poem of the same name has gone viral. We simply must pay more attention to what is all around us. People are so complacent about the very situation they are in. It seems normal, but much of what we do today is completely new and would have once been thought of as insane. We have become a people who choose safety over freedom. We need to…

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Are Old-Fashioned Ideas About God, Country, Family, and the Golden Rule Gone for Good?

Are Old-Fashioned Ideas About God, Country, Family, and the Golden Rule Gone for Good?

For most of my life, I have wondered why the Germans acted as they did between the warsand, of course, in the time immediately before the war. Why and how did they idolize Hitler,who promised to Make Germany Great Again? And how they could just pretend it was all rightto exclude Jews from their lives and, in fact, get rid of them.How was it possible?I never could understand it until I experienced what happened during Covid.People gave up their autonomy…

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Stop Allowing Cancer to Frighten You

Stop Allowing Cancer to Frighten You

Cancer! The word is terrifying. Cancer is on the rise. And the medical establishment plays on our fears. A friend of mine asked her doctor about using an “alternative” treatment. Her doctor told her that he would no longer be her doctor if she opted to use the alternative treatment. That is blackmail. She was forced to choose. She is dead now. But she chose the doctor and his protocol. My friend fought pancreatic cancer for two years before she…

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We Were So Powerful!

We Were So Powerful!

We were so powerful before they told us we were victims. In past centuries, women always knew that they were the powerful ones in the equation. They passed this knowledge down to their daughters. The men were stronger and faster and more bold. However, between women and men, women had the power, and the men knew it. Without us, there would be no human race. We had the babies. There was a saying; “The hand that rocks the cradle rules…

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Is Decency Considered Offensive?

Is Decency Considered Offensive?

The other day, while looking for a sweet movie to watch with my youngest grandson, a suggestion popped up that interested me: “That Touch of Mink.” I knew it was not something my grandson would enjoy. But, I am a Cary Grant fan, and my curiosity was aroused. My memory of that movie was pleasant but vague. Then, I noticed a warning in the description of the movie. It said, “This film reflects the standards, language, and attitudes of its…

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Clothes Are Different These Days!

Clothes Are Different These Days!

Christmas shopping gets me out to the stores. Typically, except for the food markets, some Amish markets, or “Southern States,” I just do not shop. I have enough clothes to last me the rest of my life. But at Christmas, I think of my daughters and daughters-in-law, my nine granddaughters, and a granddaughter-in-law. It is fun, but I am lost out there. Thank goodness! My family is pretty conservatively dressed, much of the time. Clothes do not look the same…

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Do You Like to Travel?

Do You Like to Travel?

I really do NOT like to travel. It used to be fun, but that is no longer true for me. The elegance, the service, and the striking differences between countries all seem to have fallen out of favor. Being treated with care and respect as a valued guest only happens in very special places. At other times, we are treated like cattle. Pushed into holding cells, ticketed, frisked, and examined by Xray, our irises checked against impersonation; the whole experience…

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Christmas lies. Do You Spread Them?

Christmas lies. Do You Spread Them?

My parents lied to my sister, brother, and me. Their very own children, they lied to us about so many things. Do you lie to your children? It is such fun. I am guilty, too. Of course, it is so heartwarming to make Christmas a magical time for your kids. I did it. My husband read The Night Before Christmas to the children before we hung the stockings. We left cookies and milk for Santa when we hung the stockings….

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“Curiosity is the purest form of insubordination.—Vladimir Nabokov Here is a collection of quotes from well-known people who describe what is happening accurately and succinctly. I could elaborate, but it seems redundant. I hope you will read each of these quotes and then pause a moment to reflect on their truth. Try to clear your mind of the fear and colorful propaganda that is beamed at you from the TV screen. “It is difficult to get a man to understand…

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What Are You Willing To Do?

What Are You Willing To Do?

It is unbelievable how easily one adjusts to living in City conditions. When I moved to Washington, DC, to care for my mother, I got used to it quickly. Yet when I moved out to the country near a much smaller city, Charlottesville, I began to change. I don’t crave the city vibe. I do not care for the traffic or the tension of looking for parking and then paying for it. Locking everything up and looking over your shoulder…

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It is Time to Stop the Madness.

It is Time to Stop the Madness.

Every day, I receive many, many solicitations for money from Republicans. They all say it is my duty to help them, or they catastrophize events that are happening. They are tiresome. I rarely write back. But today I wrote to Jim Johnson, who is a good guy. (Maybe) “Why don’t Republicans fight for me? Start with election integrity!” “Then stand behind President Trump and denounce Biden. And get those Jan. 6th prisoners out of jail! Why don’t you all admit…

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What Are You; Boy or Girl?

What Are You; Boy or Girl?

Are you a boy or a girl? There are only two sexes. That is the Science. Same with pronouns…! Pronouns are a gateway drug says Megyn Kelly who once felt comfortable using the gender preferred ones that people requested. She has since awakened to the harm of all this “preferred pronouns” and transgender hype and hysteria. She has a daughter and so she understands the harm that is being done to all young girls during this very strange time in…

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Just Write a Blog Post!!!

Just Write a Blog Post!!!

There are so many subjects vital to life that need to be written about. Of course, puppies are the best of all. I could write about my new puppty all day long. However the world is in such turmoil and there are so many things I care about. It is difficult to choose one and focus on it. So here is a post with several subjects. You decide which ones you want to follow up on. Lately, I saw the…

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Congratulations! It Is The 4th of July!

Congratulations! It Is The 4th of July!

This is the time when Americans have celebrated the birth of our nation ever since it actually happened. During the 1940s and 50s, it was without a doubt a family holiday. When I was young it seemed to be a universally happy day in the USA. In the decades since there have been a lot of changes in the narrative and the general attitude about the founding of the country, and whether it should be celebrated. Unfortunately, there are several…

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Censored! Trigger Warning!

Censored! Trigger Warning!

Censorship. Do you approve of it? How can it be a good thing? I do not understand why any American would defend it. The more you know, the more you know. Isn’t that the goal? Wouldn’t you like to know what the world thinks? What about knowing what your political party thinks and believes? It seems to me that it is even more important to know what your enemies or opposition think or believe. Even complete fanatics don’t need to…

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