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Is Decency Considered Offensive?

Is Decency Considered Offensive?

The other day, while looking for a sweet movie to watch with my youngest grandson, a suggestion popped up that interested me: “That Touch of Mink.” I knew it was not something my grandson would enjoy. But, I am a Cary Grant fan, and my curiosity was aroused. My memory of that movie was pleasant but vague. Then, I noticed a warning in the description of the movie. It said, “This film reflects the standards, language, and attitudes of its…

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Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

The past happened. It was real. Women were chattel. Children had no rights. There were no Child Protective Services. (Was that a good thing or a bad thing?) There were few safety nets for those who fell on hard times. Life could be brutal. People had slaves, traded human beings like horses or cattle. It sounds awful to us today. Yet 250 ago, slavery was still practiced everywhere. It was not only in the New World but universal. And so…

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How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

I appreciate feedback so much! Whether favorable or otherwise. Recently a young friend sent me this reply after I invited her to subscribe to my blog: Dear Bonnie, I received your invitation to your blog. Thank you for sharing, it’s so important to feel connected these days!  I respect your desire to share your voice and experience with the world. It’s brave in a way, but also deeply problematic.  I checked it out and have to say I disagree with…

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Stressed? Work on Your Core Muscles!

Stressed? Work on Your Core Muscles!

How many times have you heard people tell you that it is the core that is most important for your overall fitness? When exercising, this is often stressed. Without a strong core, the rest of your body won’t work as well or efficiently. Well, there is a lot more reason to strengthen your core. It is not just your fitness level, or even the way your clothes fit. It has an impact on your health in other ways. Read this…

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2020 Wow! What a Year!

2020 Wow! What a Year!

2020 has been an incredible year for me. It started with me living in my mothers’ house after her death in November because we needed to get things organized and arranged as the estate settles.When my mother died at 101, my calendar was full. To distract myself from watching her decline, I involved myself in many different organizations. Once Mother was gone, there was no reason to stay there. But I did not realize that at first because my forward…

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No Systemic Racism. It Simply Is Not True.

No Systemic Racism. It Simply Is Not True.

This is a message I received from a school, which I won’t name: “Following our listening forums with Black alumni and families and similar sessions with other alumni and families of color, we continue our series…Forums for White Students, Families, and Alumni.” The horrific police shooting on Sunday of Jacob Blake makes clear that these forums and the work of our Task Force on Racism, Understanding, and Belonging are all the more imperative. We aim to gather perspectives, experiences, and…

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A Glimpse of Her

A Glimpse of Her

My mother is silent, and her system is breaking down now. She is more or less a shell of her old self. A beautiful hollow shell. Her blond head resting on a mound of pillows, her curls renewed by Mr. Eivind earlier yesterday in a home visit. The beauty salon will see her no more. He nails need a new coat of bright pink polish, and that will be done tomorrow. My heart is breaking. She told us so many…

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9/11/2001 You Are Not a Victim

9/11/2001 You Are Not a Victim

On that horrible day 9,11, 2001, so many people were killed (nearly 3000) when the World Trade Center’s came down, some people despaired for the future. The Pentagon was attacked, and that plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field. A shocking and life-changing experience for all of us. For the actual victims of the attack, it meant death or post-traumatic stress syndrome for the survivors. They were victims in a real sense. Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda brought Afghanistan to the…

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Mother, lately…

Mother, lately…

There she sits at the head of the octagonal breakfast table, looking like a Fairy Queen. Someone said she is more beautiful now than she was 20 years ago and it is true. I don?t know if it is because EVERYONE tells her how lovely she is. Or is it a trick of nature? Whatever the reason she is a real beauty. But she is fading mentally so fast that every day there is more evidence of it. She is…

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Wanna Feel Nostalic?

Wanna Feel Nostalic?

Stolen, borrowed, (originally) December 19, 2013 Reblogged this on Ritaroberts’s Blog 1950?s Version Of An?Email I have no idea who put this together, but it is wonderful! Long ago and far away, in a land that time forgot, Before the days of Dylan , or the dawn of Camelot. There lived a race of innocents, and they were you and me, For Ike was in the White House in that land where we were born, Where navels were for oranges,…

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Take Responsibility for yourself.

Take Responsibility for yourself.

The disconnect between what people believe to be true about the need for morality today as opposed to what was taught 3/4 of a century ago, is dramatic. Morality is for suckers. Feelings trump facts. No one should be allowed to have hurt feelings. And there need to be safe spaces on campuses so that students IN COLLEGE won’t be traumatized by ideas they don’t like (or understand). The situation is dire. The nation is careening off a cliff into…

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