My Memory is Pretty Good

My Memory is Pretty Good

I was lying in bed, thinking that my memory must be going. It’s so hard for me to grasp all the different things which I’m supposed to be doing. It was making me feel confused. My mind was crowded with dates to remember, people to meet and thank you notes to write.

My bed complete with small dog.

Then I realized that in my early adulthood, my activities concentrated on the small town of The Plains Virginia, where we lived. I was passionate about the hunt country, the fox hunting world, and everything horsey. Later, we got involved in ‘four-in-hand’ driving. I raised dachshunds and sold them. Grace Episcopal Church in The Plains VA was where we attended services. I was once very interested in doing good works through that church. I even started a women’s discussion group for members like myself.

In those early days, the world of the Hill school consumed my life. My five children went to school there through 8th grade. It was top of my list. As a board member, parent, and friend to this marvelous school, I gave it my full attention. I was concentrating on their friends and the parents of their friends. The Fauquier Hospital board and the Middleburg Community Center made my life full of extracurricular activities. With so many children in school, it seemed like a good idea to earn some money. Real estate was the obvious choice. We were finding a place for ourselves in that world. Though we had many friends and acquaintances all over the country and even Internationally, it was still limited in scope compared to my life today.

Now I am involved with Washington DC, which is a whole new city to me. I still connect with Charlottesville, VA where my home was before coming here. And my tiny cottage in The Plains, Virginia keeps me in that scene as well.

As they are adults, I am becoming friends with my children’s generation as well as my own. Making new and younger friends is part of my strategy for growing older happily. Now, I have added my grandchildren’s generation, as well.

Then there are all the “help/caregivers” for my mother, whose names and birthdays I must remember. I’m managing all of them and other staff as well. My mothers’ houses both here and in Newport R I. must be kept up and need constant attention.

I am involved with all of her friends, though they are dying off fast. She is 101, and most of her contemporaries have dropped off. But she has other younger friends whom I often invite to dine with us or stop by for cocktails.

I have a whole new set of fans, and because of my daily advances in my new career as a writer. The continuing sale of my first book encourages me to finish a final draft for the next one.

I am trying to figure out who and how what the writing world is all about. Also, the speakers’ organizations are now on my radar. It is fun as I am beginning to learn about how it works. Public speaking is opening up to me.

I’ve joined many new organizations, and they revolve around a variety of areas that interest me. One focuses on diplomacy and diplomats in Washington. One partially mimics society, though there is very little “Society” left. And there are several others from Political to social games. Besides being a LOT of fun; these are great conversation starters. Studies groups and literary luncheons fill out my days. My room is full of books, both read and unread. Ditto my Kindle and Audible accounts, books overflow everything.

Cocktail parties happen here.

I have some difficulty in remembering which thing I’m doing which day and deciding whom I’m going to invite to a cocktail party. Which people should I ask to create an interesting party? I have several hundred people from which to choose. It is like arranging a flower bouquet to plan a party with interesting people who may connect happily with each other.

Narrowing it down to a party of about 15 to 20 is hard. That’s the way I like to entertain now. Nothing too big or complicated, and no great trouble for my helpers. Just enough people so that no one is trapped talking to someone they don’t wish to for long.

So maybe my memory is not as bad as I thought. Perhaps it’s because I have so many disparate things to remember. I need to figure out some ways to put them in slots or filing cabinets in my mind. I’m gonna’ work on that.

Copyright?. 2019 Bonnie B. Matheson

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