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Category: Coaching

Want to Learn How to Make a Small Fortune?

Want to Learn How to Make a Small Fortune?

The Story of How We Began to Drive Horses, Spend a Lot of Money, and Make Great Memories. Charley and I got the idea of learning to drive for pleasure after our children stayed with their grandparents in Newport, RI. It happened that “A Weekend of Coaching” was brought back to the resort in the summer of 1968. The children stayed with my parents, who owned a Newport Cottage on Bellevue Avenue. How perfect. When we saw the photos, we…

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Mothers and Daughters

Mothers and Daughters

I recently found myself in a discussion with several women about how to treat our grown daughters. One of the women complained that her daughter was manipulative. This made me pause to think about how I felt about this. That seems to me to be a word that many people use about parents or children along with the phrase ‘passive- aggressive’. So here are some of my thoughts on this emotional issue. First of all, ALL CHILDREN ARE MANIPULATIVE!!! (That…

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Drinking diet soda is not a wise option

Drinking diet soda is not a wise option

I read an article about a new study that says daily drinking of diet soda may lead to higher risk of stroke or heart attack. I was surprised to see some comments on Facebook about this article that showed surprise. ?The surprise came from the claim that caramel coloring might be part of the problem. ?I concur. ?But any drink called diet is dangerous. ?There is just too much information suggesting that artificial sweeteners are neurotoxins. ?It is not…

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an unusual Christmas post

an unusual Christmas post

The people I coach often have trouble ?with the idea of stepping away from what their friends or family think they should do. Often the issue is one of holding a different world view, but sometimes it is just doing a different job, being married or divorced, moving to a new town or a new country. ?Whatever you do be true to yourself and to your principles. This article is so important that I decided to give my friends and…

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20 ideas for life

20 ideas for life

1. Be a student of life. Learn something new every day. The day you stop learning is the day you begin to become obsolete. Never stop learning. 2. None of us is Perfect. The sooner you know this in your heart, the sooner you can start being excellent. Begin every morning fresh and ready for whatever challenges await you. Try harder than you did the day before. Never give up. You can achieve that which seemed impossible. 3. Play the hand…

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Sir William Osler: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what disease a person has.”

Sir William Osler: “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what disease a person has.”

I stole the above quote from Equilibrium because I believe it is so important. ?So many people are unwell for so many diverse reasons. Do you know why you are sick, if you are suffering from some condition? ?Have you thought about what that means? There is a fear in people’s minds that if someone suggests that they are ill by choice that it is “blaming” the victim. ?Do you feel that way? ?Or do you have some small…

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Fear of Failure

Fear of Failure

Are you scared to death about your finances? Have you wondered if you can hang on until things get better? Rejoice! It is going to be OK. Negative thinking can upset your chances of overcoming fear and financial woes. So much of success depends on your belief in a loving Universe. One thing about the current economic state of the country during the last two years is that it seems to be almost Universal. In a way that is almost…

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What are you expecting from the Government bailout program? Are you expecting money deposited in your bank by some mythical program? There is only one person who can make your bank account grow fast and it is you.? You are so powerful, but when you start to believe the media about how tough times are you lose hope.? You let fear and negative thinking trip you up and keep you from moving forward into a wonderful world awaiting you. You…

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11 Rules for Children from Bill Gates… Sort of

11 Rules for Children from Bill Gates… Sort of

I wish that Bill Gates had said these 11 rules children should know about life, because it sort of “fits” what many of us feel about him. ?However it was actually originally written in a longer article by Charles J. Sykes author of Dumbing Down Our Kids, why American children feel good about themselves but can’t read, write or add. It is here for your edification and enjoyment. It seems to me that it should be passed around until someone…

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Wanna Catch a Cougar?

Wanna Catch a Cougar?

At age 66, Jack Nicholson lit up the screen in ?Something?s Gotta Give? a romantic comedy about a wise-cracking, record producer who never dated women over 35. His ?ladies man? appeal was all too familiar for audiences used to seeing the age gap between older men and their younger, perkier counterparts. But as Courtney Cox proves in ABC?s hit TV show ?Cougar Town?? the rules have changed. Many older women have taken charge, and they aren?t afraid to go after…

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about marriages that end after 40 years

about marriages that end after 40 years

I have been wanting to write something about long term marriages which end amicably.? I wish there were more of them.? When two people who have loved each other decide to give each other the freedom to live their lives in a new way and go forward without each other they should be given some praise.? Such honesty is hard to come by.? It takes real guts to break lose after so many years.? All the friends who have admired…

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Suppose we are wrong?

Suppose we are wrong?

I spoke with a friend who happens to be a doctor about some rather “new age” theory or another. He said, “Show me the data, then I will believe you.” ?I answered him, “You doctors and scientists make a mistake by always wanting the data before you will believe something. Sometimes the data is not yet available but that does not make the thing less true.” People used to believe the world was flat. Before Christopher Columbus, there was no…

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Renewed energy after fifty

Renewed energy after fifty

Margaret Mead called it “Post Menopausal Zest” and it is real.? Once the trials and tribulations of the first fifty years are over we suddenly look around and realize we are not tired. This is the time to make a list of all the things you wish you had done before. Sometimes it is best to allow yourself a little time to unwind first.? Play a song on your MP3 or CD player.? Look deeply for a while at the…

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Define yourself

Define yourself

My friend Kathryn wrote to me to say, “I just read a great quote which, of course!, I had to share with you: Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself. ~Harvey S. Firestone I agree. That is a great quote for anyone, man or woman. I wish more people lived by it. But it is sometimes really difficult to define oneself when under the…

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