Anti-vax! Are you one, too?
Do you know why you believe that you are correct? Whatever you believe, how much research have you done? Do you realize that as early as 1986, they knew there were claims about vaccines causing Autism? They also knew a whole bunch of other sicknesses caused by vaccines. There is a site called LearntheRisks.org, which will educate you about the difference between what actually happened with infectious diseases and what they want you to know.
Excellent video with Russell Brand “outing” the vaccine peddlers. https://www.youtube.com/live/4JVJb8I3V7Q
“What these people don’t realize is that the internet has created a phenomenon which has never been seen. It allows tens of millions of people to investigate one thing, combine findings at a fast pace, and scour every corner of the internet for data in a way that no media corporation can match.”
“It was like AI comprised of human minds. Every single claim made on television, by Dr. Fauci, or by politicians was dissected, analyzed, and fact-checked by millions of people. When false claims were made, they were immediately detected. When studies that contradicted the narrative were made, they were found no matter how deeply they were buried. When studies were flawed, those flaws were displayed.
The anti-vaxxers had Nobel prize winners, Pfizer chief researchers, whistleblowers, doctors and nurses, scientists, and researchers of all sorts.
What the anti-vaxxers were doing rivaled that of any intelligence agency. The mainstream media spent the entire pandemic fighting off facts revealed by the antivaxxers and then right afterward being forced to admit they were true.”
“If our system wasn’t so corrupt, the collective known as the anti-vaxxers would win a Pulitzer for what we presented to the public during the pandemic. It was one of the finest examples of journalism the world has ever seen.” These quotes are from something I read somewhere recently. I saved the words because they were so TRUE. Unfortunately, I did not save the article, newsletter, or social media post where I found them. So, if you are the author, please let me know, and I will credit you.
And yet, while the pandemic terror was fed to the public, the people who doubted the vaccine were impacted by the communal fear. They were vilified, shunned, fired, and demonetized. They were yelled at and forbidden to attend events or visit their parents in nursing homes or hospitals. The government mandated vaccines for many. The people who disagreed lost their jobs or their doctors, but the worst was what was done to their offspring. Their children were forced to take vaccines to attend school. This last is the most reprehensible result of their panic. We will not know how much harm was done to those young people for a long time.
Just yesterday, I read about a young person who was refused a place on the waitlist for a heart transplant because she has not had the Mrna Vaccine for COVID-19. She is 12 years old. The fact that hospitals are still focusing on vaccines as good things for children disturbs me. The fact that they would deny a young girl her chance to live to adulthood because they have some protocol about vaccines is unconscionable. This needs to change immediately.
Why are people so easily fooled by “authority?” Why is it that some people do NOT FALL FOR IT? I call it critical thinking. But people who disagree with me say I am in a cult.
Copyright©. 2025 Bonnie B. Matheson
8 thoughts on “Anti-vax! Are you one, too?”
Well said as always Bonnie! Thank God RFK was confirmed today. Perhaps some sanity and common sense will be imbedded in our government now.
Not sure if you were aware there is currently a measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico, 49. People are currently suffering and 9 of them are in the hospital. please remember that measles is often fatal.
Measles is not “often fatal”. Certainly not likely to be fatal in a first world country and in my day parents tried to make sure their children caught measles when they were young. It is much more serious to get it when you are older. Also if you have measles as a child you will have lifetime immunity. This is not necessarily so with vaccines.
I looked up the figures from The measles outbreak in Samoa and 83 people died there, most of them children as the adults had been vaccinated. Yes, measles is fatal. There are people currently hospitalized in West Texas. This is all because Bobby spread disinformation about vaccines and parents believed him. Sad but also dangerous.
I disagree with you, Marina. But, of course you are welcome to your opinion.
It is a free country.
Bird flu is now being transmitted from cows to farmers. The CDC now only updates once every month so you may not know that, but a lot of of us are concerned. Vaccines are a modern miracle and many of us think that Russell Brand and Bobby Jr are seeking attention.
Marina, I am sure you mean well. But you are fear-mongering. Bird flu is NOT a threat to humans. Russell Brand is a truth teller. It seems to me that people with your mindset are put off by the truth. Why is that? Bobby Kennedy is trying his hardest to help people. Read his book about Anthony Fauci. If you won’t read the book there is nothing more to say. There is the evidence in black and white and with so many footnotes you would be thrilled.
Thank you, Bonnie for explaining, just wanted to mention that because the CDC is only posting updates every month now. Good luck and be well.