Are You Different?
People are different!
Our world is really fractured. We don’t know what is real and what is just hype. It seems like
there is even more racial tension and more hate than when I grew up in a true segregation
Of course, we are not allowed to tell the truth. The truth is unsavory and definitely not
“politically correct.” Black people and white people are different in some ways. Does that
shock you? Italians are different from the French and even more from people from Australia.
Why can’t we just see the differences and admire them? It is nice that we are different. It is
part of who we are. To deny it is crazy. Dogs are different. They are not just different from
cats. They are different from each other. This is one of the most charming things about the
canine world. Big dogs, medium dogs, and small dogs all compete for the love and attention
of humans. Why can’t we say this about ourselves? It makes no sense to pretend we are all
capable of the same things or interested in the same things.
Men and women are also different, and we are not allowed to say that, either. These things
are NOT to be spoken of. It hurts people’s feelings. And we are not supposed to say or do
anything that might hurt someone’s feelings or make them feel unwanted or, heaven forbid,
“inferior.” But some people are inferior. Take that!!! It is true. Sorry if it makes anyone feel
“less than.” Do you know what the average I Q is in the USA? It is 98. Don’t get excited because
that means that half of you may score below 98. With such disparity, it is no surprise that we
have plenty of room for all of our differences. And of course, I Q does not really encompass
other attributes that some people have. There is an argument that Emotional Intelligence, or
EQ, is just as important.
But though some people are inferior to others in one way, often, they are superior at some other talent—like a sport, dance, song, or creative way that would not even occur to me. I am not good at math. When I was studying to earn my real estate broker’s license, I had to solve complicated math problems. They taught us how to do them. We took a class and learned how to do things like finding the interior square footage of a silo or the future value of money. We practiced. I passed easily. My license as a real estate broker gave me confidence
and allowed me to make money.
Today, I do not remember a thing about what I learned. I simply remember how impossible it seemed at first and how proud I was of myself for learning how to do it. Even then, it never occurred to me that any of that would be needed elsewhere in my life. And that proved to be true.
My point is that we change, our needs change, our likes and dislikes change. Even our beliefs
change, though we never thought they could. We need the freedom to change along with our
needs. People here in the USA have always had that freedom. It used to be more innate. Now,
because of Political Correctness, DEI, and all sorts of artificial rules that have been imposed
on us, we prevaricate. We pretend, which is really lying.
If you must call someone a woman when you know that person is a man, that is a lie. If you
must pretend you do not believe in God in order to fit in with people at a political rally, that is
a lie. Just as pretending that you DO BELIEVE is a lie, if you don’t. How hard are these
concepts to grasp? It seems so obvious to me.

What is there to argue about, since we know ahead of time that we hold so many different
beliefs? Be grateful for the diversity. Let’s just allow each other to be who we are. That would be peaceful.
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson
One thought on “Are You Different?”
Well said Bonnie! I wish you could re-program all the political class brain wiring.