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Category: fiction

The Dinner Roll

The Dinner Roll

Dinner at the White House – a parable I borrowed this because I believe it is so important to remember. This was written about President Obama. It seems especially pertentent now.Bonnie B. Matheson by Richard Gleaves Once upon a time, I was invited to the White House for a private dinner with the President. I am a respected businessman, with a factory that produces memory chips for computers and portable electronics. There was some talk that my industry was being…

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The Blue Vespa ( I normally never write fiction but I hope this may entertain)

The Blue Vespa ( I normally never write fiction but I hope this may entertain)

The sun is shining in slanting rays that break through the trees in golden shoots of light. The trees shimmer in shafts of? glowing translucence . The day is bright with promise. The moment I open the door, I see it all, the sun, the trees with their trembling bright leaves, and something else. Something that is not normally there at all. What is this pretty thing? Someone has given me a turquoise Vespa as a surprise gift. The moment…

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