Demonic Forces Exist
The entire Democrat party seems oblivious to the evil in their own party while constantly pointing out Trump’s well-documented flaws. Yes, we know he is a narcissist and that he speaks in weird sentences at a third-grade level. So what? He has already been president, and I think he did a great job. When people say, “We must NOT let him become President.” I remind them that he already was.
Considering that he is NOT a politician (one of his best points, actually) and considering that he was tripped up at every step by the swamp, by members of his own party who hated him, and by Democrats, yet he oversaw a great period of prosperity. Even so, the country was a lot better off than it is now. In every way we were better off then than we are now. Then, they let loose the “plandemic” And crashed the booming economy on purpose to try to get rid of him.
Of course, that is impossible to prove at this point. But there are plenty of people who feel that it is true. Trump would have been unbeatable without the pandemic. There is still doubt about whether he was beaten even with the pandemic.
I believe he won the 2020 election, but it was stolen by these same forces who hate Donald Trump. He is messing up their system. He would rather make a deal than go to war, for instance. They do not want him in power. He does not play by their “rules”. (Thank Goodness!)
The EVIL is seething all around us, but it is NOT coming from Trump.
For instance, who is running the country right now?
Biden has been at the beach, and Kamala was hiding somewhere, preparing for the debate. Unfortunately, I watched that debate. She was very well coached. I was surprised to see she never cackled once. She also never answered a single question. She kept baiting Trump, criticizing him, and carping on things that made no difference. She never said what could be done about the border. She never took responsibility for her part in the invasion of illegal immigrants. She lied over and over again about her stance on things like fracking. Who is pulling the strings there? Why would the Democrats let her run for president unless they are controlling her? Who is this shady cabal that is running our government?
Democrats tell us we are supporting evil because of the constant barrage of lies spread about Donald Trump. But, they cannot see that they are swimming in a sea of filth and disgusting values. I believe there is a Demonic presence that is keeping these people from seeing the truth. It sounds unusual to talk about Demonic forces versus God, but that is what this is.
It is time for us to understand this and act on it. It is time for action.
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson
5 thoughts on “Demonic Forces Exist”
I believe every word you wrote. The democrats are an evil force and the devil has blinded the eyes of those that still support this evil.
As always, Bonnie, you are right on point…….wish more folks would listen!
Well said as always Bonnie! I agree with you on all of the is. It’s the only explanation for their blindness. Nobody can be that ignorant.
I could not agree with you more! Well said. We must pray. Our country is in great peril. God help us!
Amen Bonnie. I can’t believe that folks can listen to Kamala and still want to vote for her???? Must be brain dead.