Everyone Should Have a Puppy

Everyone Should Have a Puppy

We have a new puppy! It really is NOT my own puppy. But she lives with my son, so I will be responsible for babysitting when he is away. It all happened this way.
My son said, “I am leaving after church to drive to Roanoke to pick up my new puppy.”
 “Oh! Really?” I asked. He did not give me much “notice” or time to talk him out of it.
“Yes,” he told me, “she is the granddaughter of my male dog! It is such a great ‘line,’ and my dog needs a companion for the times when I am out.”  
Of course, this was super news. But I do not want to be the babysitter of another dog, especially a puppy. But I am a soft touch when it comes to puppies. And so, of course, in my
heart, I was excited.

The day passed slowly. After church, I went to Costco to buy steaks because several of my
family were coming to dinner to meet the new puppy. Steaks are very expensive today. I
purchased five thick New York Strip steaks. That set me back 69 dollars! I could have bought
even more expensive ones. I purchased the Choice variety instead of the Prime steaks. The
Prime NY Strip steaks cost $103 for five. What? Going to the market is a real adventure today.
Anyone who says inflation is under control has not been to the market.
So, after coming home and putting my valuable meat in the refrigerator, I set the table,
arranged flowers, and straightened things up. It was cool outside, and I considered whether
we should eat outside. Rain was in the forecast. It seemed better to just have our drinks and
cheese and crackers out on the terrace. The view was soothing, and my geraniums were
flowering exuberantly. It has been so hot during the summer. I have barely used the long
brick terrace as an extra room for parties. My friends are spoiled and prefer air-conditioning.
Then, I decided to improve my appearance. I redid my hair, putting it up high on my head.
Seeing it turning grey in front always surprises me. Is that me? I picked up the lovely signature
bottle from Guerlain and shot a spray of Shalimar perfume on my neck. Then I put on lipstick.
This always reminds me of my mother. I don’t believe I ever left the house without her reminding me to put on lipstick. That certainly applied to being the hostess at a party, no matter how small or informal.

My son arrived with the puppy, and I fell in love. That little girl is the cutest little creature you can imagine. Her name is Lady Oda, which seems to fit such a sleek dachshund “bitch.” She is a reddish-colored, smooth hair, standard-size dachshund. She is as flexible as taffy and warm as fresh-baked bread. Her mood is sunny, and her nature is calm and friendly. She is soft, shiny, and feminine. She has a narrow head and long nose, with a shape that reminds me of Barbra Streisand. She bonded with my son and his other dog on the ride home from Roanoke.
And she bonded with me the moment we met. My dogs accepted her right away, too. Without a doubt, we have a new member of our dog family.

Then, my family began arriving at my door. Of course, they all knew about the puppy and
wanted to meet her in person. It was a lovefest from the first moment. Everyone took turns
holding her. We sat out on my terrace before dinner because the evening was cool enough.
The threatened rain had not begun. We grilled the steaks outside on my grille. I made a
Ceasar Salad, a plate of sliced fresh tomatoes, sliced fresh mozzarella with basil, and drizzled
balsamic glaze. The meal was simple but delicious. Lively discussions ensued. Freedom of
speech was one of the principal subjects of the evening. We are all aware of the fact that
freedom is under attack. So many liberties have been eliminated, and very few people have
said a word against it.

When a soft, warm puppy is present, things cannot seem so dire. My son-in-law, David, held the puppy much of the way through dinner. Everyone took turns snuggling with Lady Oda. We
laughed and talked animatedly in spite of heated discussions of censorship and freedom of speech. We wrangled about whether either side was instituting a dictatorship. We mourned the
fact that the mainstream media cannot be believed by anyone with a brain. The general mood of the evening was full of joy and camaraderie.

The best part of the dinner was the puppy. If you have been thinking of getting one for
yourself, I recommend you do it!

Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson

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