Take Responsibility for yourself.
The disconnect between what people believe to be true about the need for morality today as opposed to what was taught 3/4 of a century ago, is dramatic. Morality is for suckers. Feelings trump facts. No one should be allowed to have hurt feelings. And there need to be safe spaces on campuses so that students IN COLLEGE won’t be traumatized by ideas they don’t like (or understand).
The situation is dire. The nation is careening off a cliff into an abyss, or chaos. What can be done about it? Is anyone listening? One man who is listening is Jordan Peterson. He is being vilified by the Left because of his views even though they do not seem to actually understand what are his real views. The propaganda against him is outrageous
But he is refreshing to many. He speaks about common sense, accountability, and personal growth. He speaks clearly and slowly enough so that there can be no mistaking what he is saying. And yet people constantly misunderstand him. Why is it the Left hates him? He began life as a Liberal himself. But real life showed him the error of his early thinking. He is very bright and very careful in the way he describes things.

Recently he was vilified for being photographed with a man who was wearing a tee shirt which said: “I am a proud Islamaphobe” and it listed the reasons for this. Perhaps that was a mistake. But it is also illustrative of his belief in free speech. Why should he have to worry about what was on his admirers’ tee shirt? He has challenged the media to find ANY evidence that he has ever said anything against Islam or Muslims. He has never said anything critical about them.
What Peterson is suggesting is that everyone
The world seems to have gone mad when it comes to what is allowed and what is not. When words have so much power to terrify people we must examine our methods of teaching people/children which leaves them so vulnerable.
As I have said before, Political Correctness is the most dangerous thing to have happened during my lifetime.
Copyright 2019 Bonnie B. Matheson