The Closet
Like looking at a rainbow, the full spectrum of colors meets the eye as the door opens. Everything is arranged by color and type. All of the nightgowns and robes are hung on one end of the very long closet rod on one side of the walk-in closet. They are nearly all in perfect condition though most are several years (or decades) old. It is hard to find the sort of long robe and matching nightgowns that Mother preferred. Since many of her nightgowns are folded neatly in drawers there is a plethora of robes. Made from every material from terry cloth (one) to chiffon(3), silk (4), velvet (3), velour (3), or nylon and lace (many) the robes are all beautiful. The blues, pale China and baby blue, lavender and purple, vibrant turquoise and aqua pale as glass, light or bright pinks and fuchsias and rose colors but there is not one white robe and not one black. These were the clothes of a woman who loved color.

Next to the robes, her 30 pair of colorful slacks are hanging from the waist on pretty hangers. Arranged by shade and color they are cheerful and fun to look upon. They cover the full spectrum; more lavender and blues, on into greens and chartreuse ending with the pinks merging on to the brightest red pair on that end as they join the jackets. They are anchored by one pair of black wool trousers by St John hanging next to the robes.
Her jackets have been ransacked a bit by granddaughters but there are still 20 or so hanging together. There is room in between these vividly hued tops. Enough space separates them to slide a hanger over for a better look at an individual jacket. Many are silk and shiny or embroidered with intricate designs. The brightness and vibrancy of this kaleidoscopic panorama stays in the memory after leaving the space.

On the opposite side of this walk-in closet are hung silk or sometimes cashmere blouses. They are all patterned and bright. Sort of Emelio Pucci types, with style and elegance and vibrant colors, hang from the rod. Underneath are drawers of underwear and silk/cashmere shirts of the type she wore under the silk blouses.
There are drawers full of underwear, all pastel colored. The lacy bras and silky underpants were often selected to match the clothes she wore on the outside. At one time she had shoes for nearly every outfit. Though in later years she limited her footwear to flat shoes. Thus leaving all of her high heeled shoes in another closet since she no longer wore them. The change over happened when she broke her leg at the age of 93 and needed to be more careful about her balance.
Over the bras and panties but under the silky shirts, slacks and jackets she wore a form of long underwear. Beautiful shades of color, naturally, they were soft to the touch. She wanted to be warm. She wore layers of clothes even in the summer as she was always chilled. Hot weather made her happy and she never complained about being too hot. Never!
Her formal evening dresses are in other closets. They have not been worn for several years. Her ball gowns were epic, full and magnificently constructed.

She even had drawers full of handbags, small ones mostly. She never was one to carry a large purse. She did not want to be bothered by the weight of it. She liked small things. But they were almost all colorful bags. When you open a drawer you find a color-coordinated set of smallish bags, neatly laid out. There was even a drawer full of sunglasses of every possible color. She always wore glasses that matched the colors of her outfit.
The sunny colors reflected her sunny nature. Her whole life was upbeat and cheerful. She loved flowers and jewels and parties. Her clothes reflect all of her activities. And she was beautiful in all of them.
Copyright©. 2020 Bonnie B. Matheson
3 thoughts on “The Closet”
Oh, yes, she most definitely reflected her vibrant colors?! What a beautiful lady, inside and out…..and oh so kind??!
So glad you wrote this. Brings up beautiful snd colorful memories
Lovely story!