unneeded x-rays… Don’t have them!

unneeded x-rays… Don’t have them!

I just read a post at http://tinyurl.com/2c2w2z6 by Jennifer Margulis about standing up to a new dentist and refusing to have her child’s teeth x-rayed. I support her decision 100%. It is terrible that the people we trust: doctors dentists and even nurses sometimes, do not know about the harm they sometimes do in following protocols.

Years ago we got plenty of radiation from different places.

Not only am I old enough to remember when EVERY single shoe store had those x-ray machines where you could look at the bones in your feet, but we used to put our hands under there while a sibling looked at them from above…..Lucky I am still healthy. (alive, even)

X-rays at the dentist are new, you know.(to my generation) At the same time that I could see my bones at the shoe store x-ray machine, my dentist did NOT take x-rays. In those days they had drills that sounded loud and went slowly into the tooth. I never had novacain because I was more afraid of the shot than a few seconds of pain. But NO x-rays, ever, during my childhood. Dentists were trained to take care of teeth without being able to see below the bone.

Don’t ever be afraid to stand up to a doctor or a nurse. They are there to serve YOU and your child. Just like mechanic for your car, or a cab driver. Only their education costs more money so they think they are more “right” than laymen. Anyone who has ever had a baby ought to have learned how wrong that is. We are individuals. We have differen bodies. We have different fears. One mother may want to know everything that goes on inside her child, while another fears the effects of radiation much more than fear of not catching every problem at it’s inception.

Stand up for yourself. If the doctor does not like it, find a new one. Eventually the medical establishment is going to have to “get it” that some of these things are seriously controversial. Yes, they went to school for many years but I sometimes wonder how many of those were to learn to heal and how many hours they spent learning to run a business. They walk lock-step with others of their kind, even in the face of huge outcry from their patients, over certain issues such as vaccinations. In fact they can be disciplined or even stripped of their license for disobeying.

They give pills instead of nutritional advice and prescribe medical tests to make sure their own selves are protected from lawsuits. Even when they KNOW that these tests are often expensive, and invasive and sometimes painful and dangerous. i.e. mammograms. (more radiation)

Start learning now, to protect yourself from the system that will not protect you by itself.

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