How Important is Your Lipstick
How important is your lipstick?
When she was about 97, My mother had a fall while letting the dogs out. She called and called until the cook heard her. Absolutely terrified, the cook called my sister-in-law
and then 911. Mother was shaken, but she said, “Someone bring me my lipstick and a mirror. I am not letting strange men come into my house and take me away without making sure my
lipstick is on.” They insisted on taking her to the hospital. But, she went looking terrific.
I am so glad that I was raised by someone with this sort of attitude. It has stood the test of time. And I am grateful. I put on lipstick every single morning. I have been “putting on my
lipstick” ever since I was first allowed to put a little bit of color on my lips when I was about 12.It makes me feel ready for the day. It gives me confidence in my looks. It is a sign to
others that I am present and alert. But I see that young people today are different. They are more likely to make their statements with a nose ring or a tattoo.
Or green hair.
Women have been decorating themselves forever. Even in ancient Egypt, Kohl was used to darken the eyes and rouge for the lips.
They wanted people to admire them for the way they look. These days we are told it doesn’t matter, but is that true?
The other night I wore an extremely bright electric blue, emerald green, bright red, and stark white, multi-colored silk caftan with a jeweled neckline to a black tie dinner. Most of the women were dressed in grey, black, or beige. I stood out. About ten separate people came up to me to tell me how beautiful they thought my dress was. I promise you, if I had been dressed in black velvet, I might have looked chic, maybe it would be considered a beautiful dress, but NO ONE would have taken the time to walk over to tell me how lovely it was. No one.
Sometimes it is with our shoes that we make a power statement about being special, attractive, or at least noteworthy. The Christian Louboutin brand of expensive shoes that have bright red soles is like putting lipstick on the bottom of a shoe. Those bright soles are noticeable. They are unique and unforgettable. We have so much power when we put on our bright red armor.
When I was still living at home as a teenager, my mother would always say, “Put your lipstick on before you go out.” She was insistent on this point. And she never got over it.
I guess I never did, either.
Copyright©. 2022 Bonnie B. Matheson
5 thoughts on “How Important is Your Lipstick”
Great Read! Thanks for sharing it and also more about your Mom. She was a hell of a lady, and you are also a hell of a lady!
My mother, from Texas, didn’t come down to breakfast without her lipstick on.
She died last year, at 96, with her lipstick in place.
Love this Bonnie.
Love this. Your mother was the epitome of style and grace. Her outfits and jewelry always matched and she stood out. My grandmother, who is 96, still has beautifully painted nails and lipstick on every time I see her. In her home state of Kentucky, they call it “stick” and believe me, none of my cousins are ever without it.
……………and you are the proof that it works. 🙂