Mistakes Were NOT Made
This title was inspired by Margaret Anna Alice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueUXNL-A3Zg Through the Looking Glass. Her poem of the same name has gone viral.
We simply must pay more attention to what is all around us. People are so complacent about the very situation they are in. It seems normal, but much of what we do today is completely new and would have once been thought of as insane.
We have become a people who choose safety over freedom. We need to feel safe in order to live our lives, do our work, study at school, conduct business, or teach. So we allow cameras to film us all the time. We do not object to giving our personal information to strangers who say they will protect it; then they sell it. We are such wimps that I doubt most of us could last a week without the things we assume are normal such as hot and cold running water, clean water, indoor plumbing, air conditioning, central heating, and prepackaged food. Microwaves. We need cars, buses, trains and airplanes to get us where ever we wish to go. We assume we will have them and that they will work. We take drugs for all sorts of reasons never before heard of. To sleep, to stay awake, to relax and to run faster, and for every sort of illness real or imagined, we take pharmaceutical products. We don’t question them.
Look at the Saturday Night Live segment from 1991. It says it all: https://youtu.be/GmqeZl8OI2M?si=ozv6_RG2C2hOPzrS . The skit about a bouncing ball with lethal side effects is funny. But it is so predictive of what happened later with new (so called) vaccines. We have been programmed to listen to side effects of drugs that are horrifying. But we do not listen to the words. It is background noise. And yet our subconscious minds accept the theory of “side effects” as being just part of life even if they include “death”.
Why doesn’t anyone say “Hell, No! I will not take a drug that may kill me!”? They say nothing. And they said nothing when a completely manufactured “plandemic” appeared. Everyone just accepted what they were told and did what they were told without questioning it.
There were a few who resisted. And they were vilified. They were threatened. They were turned out of restaurants for not wearing a mask. They were shouted at by strangers. They were not allowed to be with their loved ones in hospitals or nursing homes. They were called all sorts of names. They were feared and they were hated. Some people said they should be put away in camps. Other people wished them a speedy death.

Have you finally realized what a huge propaganda operation the whole thing was? Perhaps you already knew long ago. I hope so.
Now we need to work harder than ever to reconstruct the country. We all need to help others think for themselves. It is difficult to know when our beliefs are wrong. When we try it we learn that it is difficult to change our own minds. It is even harder to try to help others to change, too. Someone I love said to me, “When you tell people you want to make them “THINK” it is so dismissive and demeaning.” She said it was rude to assume people did not think. It is insulting.
However, I never thought that the problem was that people do not think at all. What is so important is being able to articulate the reasons we believe what we believe. And that seems to be what is missing, the words to tell people why we think what we think. Did you learn your information on the nightly news? How many primary sources have you researched? Did you listen to the complete video that is being mentioned? Or did you see just a clip of it which might be taken out of context? Did you read the actual article or are you going by a synopsis in the Mainstream Media which is supported by the Pharmaceutical industry or a particular political party?
It is our responsibility to educate ourselves. We need to know why we believe what we believe. The Mainstream Press will not tell us the whole story. They only tell us what they want us to know. They are beholden to their sponsors. They are not allowed to speak anything else. The pressure put on people to toe the line and not break ranks is frightening. It is sometimes threatening to their income or license to practice, but sometimes it goes further and people fear for their lives or the lives of their loved ones.
This sort of intimidation does not sound like it could happen in the USA. But it does. It is happening now. Have you read about the Boeing whistle blowers who ended up dead? What do you think of Julian Assange? How much do you really know about these cases? You will start to think “Conspiracy Theory”. Yes, these theories sound like conspiracies but when they turn out to be true, are they still theory?
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson
7 thoughts on “Mistakes Were NOT Made”
This is your best post yet, Bonnie!??
As for Julian Assange, at first I was enraged at what happened and what he did. But in hindsight, he exposed what had been illegal and hidden for decades! So I am glad he has been released to his family and retuned to Australia.
On target Bonnie, that is no surprise to me. We did not buy into the COVID story, the only reason Ray got the shot it was that or lose his job!!! How astounding is that- and no we did not get the booster shot , pure crap. Thanks for the article and hope it goes far and wide.
Bravo Bonnie! I’m on the same page. Best wishes!
I feel sorry for you because you seem to live in a world that is full of conspiracy theories. Particularly in regard to Covid and the vaccine to prevent it. We are all living in a much better world because of the scientists and doctors who have endorsed and given vaccines going as far back as smallpox and polio. Where would we be without Jonas Salk? And BTW–what is a “plandemic?” Talk about conspiracy theories!!!
A PLANDEMIC is a pretend epidemic that was never serious in the first place and was used to terrify people into compliance. The whole thing was a hoax, and yes, I know some people died. Most people who died had not one or two but SIX comorbidities and were older than the average age of death. The press played on this and tried to scare people who were susceptible into believing they were going to die if they did not follow directions. That was just not true. I can point you to all sorts of articles and studies proving it was a lie. But I doubt I can convince you. Today, some sniper tried to assassinate the forerunner in the presidential race. He and perhaps two others, set out to kill Donald Trump. They were not successful, thank goodness. Clearly, the left is violent and dangerous. Innocent bystanders were injured and one killed.
Over 7M people died as of 7/24. Why would the press lie about the death rate? What could they possibly gain from doing that?
Sorry that Trump got shot. However, the left and the right are violent and dangerous. This has to stop. Trump has been more vociferous than Biden. At least Biden has pulled his ads about Trump. What has Trump done?
Virginia, I began an answer for you because to me it so obvious that 7,000,000. Did not die of covid. But what is the point? You want to believe what you want to believe so you will look at websites that support your belief. Same with me. I have strong beliefs about the lies told about covid from the beginning. You know my grandmother died of the 1918 flu epidemic so I have always known about and been interested in flus. That is why I very quickly determined that not many people were dying from this virus… VERY Few died except the elderly already sick people. But you want to believe something else. I am not sure why people love to buy into these fear-mongering things, but they seem to. I guess the same people like scary movies. I do not. Anyway, I have learned so much about propaganda during this time. I have become skeptical of almost everything written or filmed by Mainstream Media. I believe the entire cancer industry is built on the same type of fear mongering. I see it clearly now, though I did not before. It is an industry. A huge money making industry which they have found ways to increase patients for annually. Mammograms and Prostate exams and colonoscopies give them reason to treat people who are terrified of the diagnosis of cancer. Because they have been told it is a fatal disease if not treated. I am not a doctor. But I know that this is not necessarily true. So why the fear? THEY CREATE IT. And now the medical/pharmaceutical complex has found a new money maker in covid fear. Vaccines are not as profitable as chemo, but on the other hand, there are potentially endless candidates and the promise of recurring business every single year. It is actually disgusting. People are often tricked into getting unnecessary treatment by fear. At the same time, others are goaded into DOING and PERFORMING the unnecessary treatments for money. Money and fear are a dangerous combination.
It takes guts to stand up to it. Sort of like someone who gets shot and covered with their own blood, but then stands up and fist pumps, saying “Fight! Fight! Fight!” in the face of an event that would have terrorized a lot of people today. I admire that.