Things Can Change In An Instant
Health is everything. Normally, I am completely healthy. That changed on Sunday night when I had a fall. I was climbing up two steps in the garden at a friend’s dinner party. We had been having drinks and chatting about the affairs of the world, which are staggering these days. When it was time to go to the lovely outdoor table, I rose from my chair and walked with the other guests to the two steps leading up to the higher terrace where we were to dine. I lost my balance and fell into the bushes along the low retaining wall.
It was a gentle fall. Nothing hurt, as it was like falling into a hammock. But I noticed that I hit my foot against the stone step and it was painful. Dinner was delightful, steak and summer vegetables. I ate every bite. When I left the house at the end of dinner, I knew my foot was seriously hurt. But what could I do? No one wants to make a fuss at a dinner party.
?I drove home and limped into the house. I did not tell my son or grandson, who were both at my house watching a movie in the library. I just asked my son to turn off all the lights when he left. I took two Advil, and I went to bed. I slept four hours and then woke up to go to the bathroom. That is pretty normal at my age, but when I walked on my foot it was shockingly painful.? Thank goodness I had a walker in my closet. And I knew it was there and used it from then on. That was lucky, very lucky!
Pain has a way of making things fall into place with stark reality. Suddenly, everything that had seemed important wasn’t. Suddenly, just getting dressed became an exercise that took double the time normally allotted. I spent most of that next day lying down or sitting with my foot propped up on a chair. At 3 p.m., I called my chiropractor. They had a cancellation in an hour and a half, at 4:30. I managed to make it there. He thinks the bone may not be broken. He taped the injured foot with some special black tape in an intricate spider pattern. It was exhausting just to drive to the chiropractors office and walk with a walker from my car to the back stairs up to his office. His assistant helped me up the stairs and carried the folded walker up for me. Same when I left for home.
I drove my car right up to my front door and parked the car on the grass. That way I could just get out and walk a few feet to the front door. ??The whole operation tired me out so much that I was barely able to fix something to eat. I then lay on the couch and fell asleep for two hours. When I woke, I felt refreshed but still sore. I got ready for bed, which entailed letting the dogs out, taking out my hearing aids, and brushing my teeth. I went to bed at nine but did not get to sleep until after ten. It was a great sleep, though. I woke at 8 a.m. with the sun shining in my bedroom windows.
My foot felt so much better. The swelling was down significantly. There was no throbbing. But when I got out of bed and very gently put my foot down, it was immediately apparent that the foot was still very painful. ??So, now I am sitting watching movies all day and not moving much. I have an appointment tomorrow with my reflexology lady. I cannot wait for that! She wants me to go get an X-ray and maybe I will, tomorrow morning. There is an urgent care place at Hollymead, and that is pretty good for me. It is the closest by far. So, we will have to wait and see what they say tomorrow. Then, I can write the next chapter.
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson
4 thoughts on “Things Can Change In An Instant”
Do take care Foot injuries are the wotst as minor things seem to blow up with major implications. Good luck with the x-ray. Hopefully just irritated soft tissue. Praying for healing and sending positive energy from Cape Cod
Please take care. When we are older, our balance becomes worse. I also have fallen, and your essay is spot on!! But we do muddle on with our kids, grandkids, and friends.
Sorry that this happened. At our age, a fall takes its toll.
So true about life changing in an instant. My son, Paul, was driving home from bowling, planning to come visit us within the next two days for a week of fun. At 9:30 on February 21st, his life nearly ended when a drug/alcohol-filled driver drove at high speed on the wrong way of the highway in NJ and totaled Paul’s new car as he drove into him head-on. He sideswiped a second car, whose driver managed to walk away and call 911. Jaws of Life arrived in time to extricate his blood-soaked body. The driver of the truck fled the scene. Police found him with only a slight head wound at a restaurant. The police waited in the ER to find out if the charge would be vehicular homicide. Six pints of blood later, Paul has survived and would clearly understand your foot pain! No amputations, but six operations later, weeks in the hospital and months of rehab, we are thanking God for his progress!
May your foot be of a minor and soon recoverable ordeal and praying for your healing as much of my world has prayed for and gotten some amazing answers from God!