Stressed? Work on Your Core Muscles!
How many times have you heard people tell you that it is the core that is most important for your overall fitness? When exercising, this is often stressed. Without a strong core, the rest of your body won’t work as well or efficiently. Well, there is a lot more reason to strengthen your core. It is not just your fitness level, or even the way your clothes fit. It has an impact on your health in other ways. Read this fascinating article from August issue of The Atlantic, by James Hamblin.
The phrase which caught my eye: “There’s all this evidence that core strengthening has an impact on stress.” . I have believed for a long time that our minds control our health. But in ways that have not yet been proven. People often questioned my ideas and since I am not a doctor. I had to wait until someone with a Ph.D wrote about it.This article proves it is no longer just a feeling.

Here is another sentence from the post that made me sit up and pay attention: “I think having so many neural pathways having direct lines to the stress control system, that’s really interesting.”
For years I have known how strongly my mind was related to my health whether just symptoms of a cold or deciding not to ever have headaches. But, it is considered impolite to imply that other people actually have a lot (if not total) control over their own body’s health and ability to heal.
In the article it says: “With this come implications for what’s currently known as “psychosomatic illness”—how the mind has an impact over organ functions.” Wow!!! Just as I have always known for myself. IF people will just take this to heart, just think of how much illness they may be able to avoid.
People who watch this video will have a lot better chance of looking as good as my mother did at 94. (pictured right) She was a positive upbeat and optimistic woman. She believed that you could stay well by believing you were well. And of course she ate healthy food, including 5 fruits and 5 vegetables every day, She did not like any “white food” such as bread, potatoes, rice or pasta. She never smoked and rarely drank until she broke her leg at 93. Then, she began to have a drink at the end of the day when the leg began to tire. The doctor told her a drink every night was a lot less harmful to her body than pain medication would be.
From my Mother I learned that I had a great deal of power over my own body, my health, in fact. She was well ahead of her time. Or maybe it was because she was from a long time ago, before everyone became so dependent on doctors to “fix” them. Raised by her grandmother, who was born in the 1853 she was born into a time where people could not reach specialists if they became ill, or had a bad accident. They knew how to improvise. But it was also not considered “weird” to believe thoughts control what happens. Though prayer was often a part of this. People no longer think for themselves. They all want to be told what to think by “experts” or the Press. (or the government, sigh)
The article I want you to read here, seems to prove what a clear connection there has always been between mind and body. Pay attention.
Copyright©. 2021 Bonnie B. Matheson