Such a lovely shower!
It was calm, sedate, and pleasant for the guests. The room was lovely. The pale blue walls,
with white plaster decorative touches, gave guests a feeling of peace.
This peace surrounded me and filled me with loving thankfulness. After the morning I had just
spent going to a graduation in the rain at UVA, it was a blessed relief. It had poured all night
on Friday and drizzled all Saturday morning. It was pretty unpleasant, but I was with a
granddaughter, Delilah, trying to find our way to our seats (which we never did) and to see another granddaughter, Georgina, graduate which we did. The drizzle was intermittent, but unrelenting so we had fun, in spite of it.
Though it would have been nice to have a moment to gather my strength, there was no time to waste.I brushed my hair and freshened my lipstick (mother’s voice in my head would not let me skip this step) I changed my shoes into dry ones. I kissed the dogs and rushed out of my house to drive to the club. By the time I arrived (late) at the bridal shower, which began at 11:30 at Farmington Country Club, the party had started.
Seeing my granddaughter, Grace, almost ready to get married made me smile inside and out. She looked lovely, as usual. Her future mother-in-law and grandmother-in-law gave the shower. Everything was perfect.
Of course, Grace looked like an angel. Her long blonde hair is lush and thick. She wore it with a large, cream colored ribbon in the back. She looked like a character out of Alice in Wonderland. The venue was just right for a ladies lunch. The food was plentiful and delicious. The conversation animated and interesting. There were several toasts and people were laughing and chatting happily until we were called to come watch Grace receive her presents.
Opening presents was delightful, and eye-opening to me. Times are different. Even wedding shower presents are different. Shower presents are still for a new bride. But no longer for someone who has no household items. Most young women have been living in their own places for several years, before marriage. After all, Grace is almost 29 and she already has a household. I gave her sexy lingerie and pink velvet slippers with a poof of caribou feathers on the toes. She liked them, she said. In my day, so long ago, those slippers would have been high-heeled. Today, women are more careful of their feet. Oh, well! She will look fetching, no matter what!
A nice group of ladies celebrated Grace. Some were her friends, some were her mother’s friends, some were her mother-in-law’s friends. Her grandmother-in-law was there and so was I her grandmother, on her mothers side as well as her grandmother on her fathers side, Kiwi. Unfortunately, David’s mother Cookie was not able to come. We are all so pleased with this match. I hope they will be happy for the rest of their lives. The shower was a cheerful and a positive event. You could feel the good energy when you walked in the door. I am pleased for my granddaughter, Grace, to be marrying into such a loving family.
The wedding will take place on June 1 st .The wedding and the reception will be at her parents’ house. Lots of cousins will participate. I can’t wait to see how beautiful it all turns out to be.
Weddings can be fraught with negative emotions. I am so pleased for my family that this is one of those weddings where everyone is friends, and everyone is happy. When everyone is pleased, you can feel it engulfing the entire wedding party and the family. The guests will mingle because they all know each other. How lucky we are that these two people chose each other. They are alike. Their values, their beliefs and their families align. This is a good sign and will make their lives together so much easier. I can’t wait for the ceremony. Welcome to our family, Gill Luck.
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson
One thought on “Such a lovely shower!”
Lovely! It all sounds perfect and tomorrow they will be married. Like you, I wish them a long and happy marriage. ????