The Truth Behind Breast Cancer Awareness
Signs say: “Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Share the pink balloon.”
NO, DO NOT DO IT. You are just encouraging the monsters who have frightened women for generations. This is big business. The Cancer industry constantly markets itself through fear. The whole ‘pink ribbon’ campaign is a brilliant marketing strategy. Everyone knows what those ribbons mean. And there is a little whiff of fear in the air as we write a check to the American Cancer Society. Maybe donating will keep us safe. ??If someone suddenly came up with a blanket cure for cancer it would crash the economy.
No. You won’t see me encouraging pink balloons or anything to do with breast cancer “awareness”. Thinking about it and fearing it is bad for you. The best way to deal with it is NEVER to think about it. It is important to know in your heart, you won’t have it. Women are programmed to be afraid of this diagnosis. The idea of fear of cancer is constantly reinforced. You could say it “triggers” terror in the woman who hears her doctors say she has it.
I believe (on reflection) that the entire breast cancer “business” is corrupt. They are not trying to prevent it. They simply want to treat it for the next five years. Their methods of “curing” it are barbaric. They suppress alternative treatments and cancel those who try to talk about them. A doctor can lose his or her job for going against the conventional wisdom of treatment. ??It’s just like COVID.
Believe me, I am not criticizing women who have breast cancer. Most of them are terrified, and a few are angry. The angry ones appear to do better than the scared ones, but I don’t have any statistics on this.
There is much negative information available about the cancer industry. But people do not want to see it.
Just think about the similarities between the way the press and the healthcare industry treated covid, and the way they treat breast cancer. Fear makes people easy to control. There is a constant barrage of fear generated by tales of cancer, sickness, and death. Originally, I bought into this narrative. ??
Especially, since covid, there has been an unmistakable sameness to the jargon. The constant reinforcement of the idea is that you must be tested repeatedly for signs of the disease. The fear that this thing can kill you, and you cannot see it coming, reminds me of covid scare tactics. The size of the cancer industry makes it very powerful and influential. They have the money to pay for doctors’ education. They write papers for doctors to sign without reading them. They endow chairs and build buildings on campuses dedicated to teaching doctors how to treat cancer. They do not teach them how to cure it.??
Mammograms, which have been proven to be dangerous to women’s breasts, are encouraged annually. Seeing your doctor for checkups every year is the norm. Tests include pap smears, blood tests, urine and fecal samples, and blood pressure checkups. Each of these can potentially turn up a problem the doctor can use to continue medical interventions.?? Mammograms often lead to a biopsy of a suspicious cluster of cells. Could it be that those cells would just disappear if left alone? The fear that is caused by the thought of this dread disease might have a negative effect on cell tissue. Our minds are powerful beyond our understanding.
?The so-called Nanny State is supposed to save us from all our problems. Do you believe the government is capable of looking after all its citizens? Do you believe the three letters entities like the CDC or FDA or ATF or others that have caused bureaucracies to proliferate are actually there to help YOU? Do you believe these agencies are protecting your health and well-being? Nope.
We need saving from our saviors.
Copyright©. 2024 Bonnie B. Matheson