What Are You Willing To Do?
It is unbelievable how easily one adjusts to living in City conditions. When I moved to Washington, DC, to care for my mother, I got used to it quickly. Yet when I moved out to the country near a much smaller city, Charlottesville, I began to change. I don’t crave the city vibe. I do not care for the traffic or the tension of looking for parking and then paying for it. Locking everything up and looking over your shoulder while clutching your purse causes anxiety and distress on a low vibration you do not notice until it is gone.
It is peaceful here near Earlysville. Even Charlottesville is too crowded and, noisy and unsafe to venture there, often.
This is a happy time for me.
HOWEVER, if things do not improve in our country, I may have to become a Martyr. Someone has to stand up. I am willing. My life has been full, and I am not clinging to every last second. If it is necessary to make waves, I will do it.
I am afraid of being singled out, arrested, or worse. BUT, our country is so corrupt, and so many people are oblivious. I think maybe some of us OLDER women should start making a commotion and complaining about the erosion of our Freedom.
Reading these words in an email, a friend wrote to me:
“I hear you! I grew up in a small town in WV. People wave, help, talk to you, and take care of each other. Could not wait to leave, but it sure is looking good every time I return.
The quality of life has seriously deteriorated and the corruption vibes just too much! Just too much hate all away around.”
In answer, I wrote: I agree that the amount of hate in today’s world is a problem. Hate is a destructive emotion. The worst part is that I believe this is intentional. They (whoever they are) want us to be divided and hate each other. “A house divided cannot stand,”
This is far more dangerous than anything we are divided about. We need to stick together, even with people with whom we do not agree, to save our country. We need to admit we will never agree with each other recognize “loyal opposition,” and move on. The biggest danger to all of us is becoming so divided that we cannot see the storm approaching. We are ALL in danger of losing our Freedom.
When did it become unpopular to point this out?
Let’s try to bring people together. (easy for me to say since) I live alone in the country and see people only when I FEEL LIKE IT. Those who are stuck in situations where they cannot get away from toxic people or dangerous people or simply people they do not want to be with, have a different problem. I have no solutions for that one. Each of you will have to find a way to deal with this.
Still, we must have hope. Stay away from the mainstream news. It is all negative and purposely full of fear. We need to watch cheerful, positive movies and shows, read inspirational books, and practice meditation and self-discovery. For many, prayer is the answer. And as some say, “God is the answer, what is the question?” Have you tried going to church?
We need to admit we are responsible for our own lives. Take a chance, change your surroundings or your job or your “friends.” Improve your situation as much as you can by your own actions.
Then I wrote my friend : “Sorry I am preaching to the choir here. Maybe I will turn this rant into a blog post.”
“I love you preaching.” She answered,” I truly get it. I just don’t want the anger, and the evil even from those that are different. Anyway, your advice is right on with inspiration, meditation, prayer and staying positive with those that are as well. I see the storm coming…..IT IS ALREADY HERE.”
Yes, the storm is here. They would have given it a name already if it were on the news. Perhaps its name is Trump. Will he blow away all of the evil hovering over this country?
Whatever happens, we must keep our eye on the most important thing. That is Freedom. Individual Freedom, not group freedom, according to some formula of equity.
People are different; their talents differ, as do their personalities. No two people want the same thing. So let us alone to work it out. But working it out will necessitate working together, burying our differences, and refusing to get “triggered” by a word or a gesture we don’t like.
Our country, our values, and our very Freedom is under attack. What are you willing to do to save it? What are you willing to do to save us all?
Like Patrick Henry, I say, “Give me liberty or give me death.”
Copyright©. 2023 Bonnie B. Matheson
One thought on “What Are You Willing To Do?”
Live free or die!
Long live Tucker!
Thank you Bonnie! ???