What do you think?

What do you think?

When events seem discombobulated and people feel disoriented, it interferes with the energy surrounding us. On the day after an election with no clear winner, it is good to be older, wiser, and calmer. And that is certainly true for me.
I remember the first election for which I was old enough to vote. I was passionate about it. It seemed to be the most critical thing in the world. If my candidate lost, the country as we knew it would be OVER. But the irony was, my young husband and I waited too long to register. We could not vote because we missed the deadline. After all the gnashing of teeth and misplaced anger and worry, our vote never got there. It was a good lesson.

Since then there have been many elections, and my own emotions have changed with the wisdom of years. Each time it seems the end of the world, and yet, it isn’t. Sometimes, when the candidate we wanted to win didn’t, things got remarkably better despite our fears. This is a great country. It seems endless when you drive across it. The people are really different in Texas than they are in Minnesota. And California is nearly another planet. The East Coast is about as diverse as it could possibly be from Maine to Florida, and all of those people with a few notable exceptions love this country and wish the best for it.
The important thing is love. Love of family, as well as the love of country that is what counts. Love for our children, their children, and love for our parents and grandparents. When things on the outside seem dangerous or wrong, the love of family, friends, and pets goes a long way toward making everything right with the world.

Of course, this time is rather alarming because Washington DC has been boarded up as if they are expecting riots. I suppose they are. This horrifies me. The United States has never had this sort of violence attached to elections. On the other hand, there are forces out there who want a change of administration so fiercely that they may break the law to make sure it happens. That needs to be brought out in the open and hopefully stopped.

My heart beats as a proud American. My life is better because I was born here. My parents and grandparents were all citizens. It is several generations back before we find those who immigrated from England, Scotland, and Germany. Generations of the family believed in the rule of law and the Constitution of the United States of America.”
Sometimes it is necessary to fight for what you believe. I believe in fair elections. So the big question is, are they fair? Is there a faction trying to steal the election? Are there enough people who hate the President to allow this to happen?

Whatever you believe, you must know that sometimes “your guy” does not win. I am prepared to accept the fair counting of electoral votes. But it is a bit upsetting to have people bring in armloads of new ballots saying they just found them.

My solution is to lay a fire in my fireplace because it is a chilly night. I will pick a good book to read. My dogs love this sort of evening and lie about all around me. Sitting by the fire with them, reading while listening to Beethoven or Mozart will be a meditative way to end my day. Let’s hope the next few days are peaceful and that good wins over evil.

Copyright©. 2020 Bonnie B. Matheson

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