A Puppy for 99 yr old Mother
Our Mother was lonely for a dog who loved her. She told us so one night after dinner. My sister and I were both staying at her the house. What she said was; “I am lonely.” and we both pricked up our ears, worried we were not doing enough.? But she continued, “I am lonely for a dog who loves just me.”
My sister Dede and I conspired. Mother needed a new dog. A dachshund like all the others she had.? A red, long-haired bitch preferably. Her existing dogs were just too old to be any good. Gloria was almost 16 and Cinderella really belonged to Maria, the cook.? And she was pretty old as well, nearly 15. No wonder mother had no dog to love.
“We don?t want a young puppy, but an older dog.” we agreed. We knew buying a puppy would be crazy. Our mother was 99 years old. Her skin was like tissue paper. Puppy teeth are sharp as razors. They are not housebroken. They can be wild and crazy and too active for an old woman.
Dede said she knew someone who handled rescue dogs in California. She naturally knew all there was to know about this, and everything else. She knew and she would handle it.
?Fine?, I said.
Nothing much happened on her end, though. Time passed and she did not contact me with any good news. I was willing to let her arrange things, but just in case I began to look for other alternatives.
I found Puppy Spot online. We had never heard of this company. But I saw good reviews.
It was quiet from California. No news at all. Mother often mentioned how much she wanted a dog of her own. And in the meantime, I was in touch with https://www.puppyspot.com/. They said they had a puppy.
I said “NO”.
“No puppies need apply. It would be nuts to buy a puppy. Absolutely NOT. We do not want a puppy. Under any circumstances. NO, No, no.”
Amber was knowledgeable and patient. She let me rant.
She kept telling me how fine this puppy was. I asked how old it was.
?4 months.? She said.
“Nope. No puppies. Absolutely NO puppies, because that would be nuts.” Mother was 99 years old. They won?t even sell a dog to someone that age. We had to promise to take the dog if and when anything happened to my mother. I promised with no reservations because I love dogs.
But we still had no dog. That was mostly my fault because I kept telling everyone No puppies. Absolutely NO puppies. We need an older dog. It would be crazy to buy a puppy for our 99 year old mother. No sane person would do that, right?
Time passed.
I wrote to Dede to see how the search was going in California, for an older rescue dog. Surely she must have found something.
She had been busy, the woman had not called her back.
The people from Puppy Spot called me again. They still had no older dog.
But at Puppy Spot, that puppy was still available. “You should really consider this wonderful puppy. He is a great little dog.” Said Amber.
He was now a whole month older than before. (5 months instead of 4)

I said AGAIN, “NO!? We do not want a puppy for our 99 year old mother. No. no. not ever. Puppies have sharp teeth, the chew things up, they whine and they pee all over the house.” Especially dachshunds (of every age). So after listening patiently Amber said ?Would you mind if I sent you a couple of photos??
?Sure, go ahead.? What harm could do it cause?
Haha!!! Those photos were so cute. The puppy was wearing a tie, like a man?s tie but just his size. He had an expression on his face best described as a smirk. He was so adorable I could not stop looking at the photo. That dog looked like he had the personality of an angel. So sweet and cuddly and small and supple.
The photo made anyone who saw it want to own the puppy.
I sent the photos to Dede.
?Buy the dog? she replied.
So we did. The puppy had to be shipped from Missouri to National Airport. Someone drove me to pick him up at the service part of the airport. We got him out of the crate in which he was flown. And he sat in my arms the entire ride home cuddling.
When we arrived I realized that I must be very careful NOT to let him bond with me. And I must be careful to not fall in love with the dog which was supposed to be my Mothers?. So I went right to her dressing room and put the puppy in her arms. And then I left that part of the house. I basically hid in my room all day. I needed to stay away otherwise I would be the one holding that puppy.

I needn?t have worried. Dandy Dude seemed to understand from the beginning who his owner was.? He was tolerant of the other dogs but he did not give them much thought. He knew Mother was his person.? And he has been absolutely marvelous with her from the beginning.
We have had no problems with the puppy teeth and though he is less than housebroken he is careful of Mothers room.? Everybody loves him. It has been a marvelous thing for my mother.? She is now 101 years old and perfectly healthy.? She has a loving dog who goes everywhere that she does.? He protects her, guards her, sleeps in her bed and eats any food she drops.??
You might be surprised how a parent will react to a dog of their own.? It can be a lifesaver!
Copyright?. 2019 Bonnie B. Matheson