Are Vaccine Passports Dangerous?

Are Vaccine Passports Dangerous?

The number of places that still ask for masks to be worn or, worse yet, vaccine passports is shrinking. But it is NOT happening fast enough for me. It causes my heart to race, my blood pressure to rise, and my mind to fill with what I would like to say to them. There are so many false reasons why these people are suffering from fear. They are anguished and suffering for nothing. Terrified by lies and propaganda that they…

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How I Accidentally Began Fox-Hunting!

How I Accidentally Began Fox-Hunting!

Like so many things, it all happened by chance. We were staying for the weekend at Heathfield, our farm near The Plains, Va. We had not owned it very long and were not connected in any way to the horse world there. On a warm Labor Day weekend, the phone rang. It was a foxhunting friend wanting to speak to Charley. We met Mike because his wife was at Holton-Arms School with me. I always liked her. She was a…

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Drinking: Should You Do It?

Drinking: Should You Do It?

Alcohol is a tricky subject. A young person I know is having a tough time because he has Mono and is not supposed to drink. The reason this is a problem is that he is at college. Drinking is pretty much part of going to college unless you are a Mormon. This situation made me think of how much the culture of drinking has changed. The generation who grew up just after prohibition ended drank a lot. They often had…

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Do You Set Deadlines, Boundaries, or Limits on Love?

Do You Set Deadlines, Boundaries, or Limits on Love?

Procrastination is so prevalent in my life, it no longer bothers me. It is like having a bad knee or shoulder that you must be careful of injuring. You just live with it. You manage your life around it. And carry on with what is essential, perhaps, while leaving so many unfinished tasks in your wake that you lose track. But there is a cure. It was given to me as an aside when I asked a friend who was…

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Have You Been Ostracized?

Have You Been Ostracized?

When will the craziness end? Recently I was told I could not attend a dinner party that I had paid for at a lecture club that I belong to. They still have a rule that you must show proof of vaccine in order to attend. I believe this is wrong, insulting, invasive, and fascist. All along, I have refused to show “my papers” at private events or clubs or anywhere actually. But I thought that craziness was over. It is…

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Have You Ever Seen a 4-in-Hand?

Have You Ever Seen a 4-in-Hand?

August 19-21, 2022, was the Weekend of Coaching in Newport R I. This is a spectacular event, resplendent and memorable to anyone who has seen it. Like a major production of an opera or stage play, there are elaborate backdrops and paraphernalia. When the photos began to show up on Instagram and Facebook, they brought back memories from my time on the box seat of our road coach, The Viking. For many years, we participated in these weekends in Newport….

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Something Everyone Must Know!

Something Everyone Must Know!

This message is for all my friends. My most liberal and my most conservative friends, who voted for Obama, and even those few who voted for Joe Biden, as well as my friends who voted for Trump will benefit from reading this. This post is a present from me to you. John Whitehead is fighting for us all. Do more reading of his views at: John Whitehead’s Commentary Repression, Terror, Fear: The Government Wants to Silence the Opposition By…

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Do You Have a Talisman?

Do You Have a Talisman?

When my first grandchild was born, my mother gave me a ring.It is a noteworthy event when a new generation appears in a family. Everyone in the family was extremely excited about this new development. And in our family, such milestones were often commemorated with a gift of jewelry. My mother and I were standing in her beautiful blue and white bedroom. I noticed our reflection in the mirror. We both looked young to be grandmother and great-grandmother. Mother, at…

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Do you still trust your doctor?

Do you still trust your doctor?

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”~George Orwell A man I know had what he believed to be the beginning of a blood clot in his leg. He had been very sedentary and taken an automobile ride last 4 or 5 hours without moving his leg. When he woke up the following day, the leg was very sore, red, and swollen. The skin was hot and tight to the touch….

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My Friend Mr. Dingus

My Friend Mr. Dingus

My dear friend, Mr. Dingus has died. You know how people say “Oh that is the end of an era!” when someone important dies? Well, his death is the end of an era for our whole family. We will all miss him terribly. He seemed to be a constant presence in our lives from the early 1970s until we left Heathfield. Mr. Dingus started his company Fauquier Enterprises, in 1974. My husband was an architect who loved to design and…

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What Good are Parties?

What Good are Parties?

When I look at old photos of my life at Heathfield, it is as if I could enter that life again. It is physical pain, a longing, and a deep feeling of wishing I could go back. But of course, none of us can go back. We need to go forward. My life is wonderful now, but it was also wonderful back then. It is hard to say what is most important my very long and eventful past or my…

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We Are Adults Now.

We Are Adults Now.

“We Are Adults Now.” We have grown up. We are adults now. We must learn to take responsibility for ourselves. We need to understand that our emotional intelligence is in our hands, no one else’s. Our health and our outlook on life are solely our own responsibility. Why do people expect someone else to save them? That is not only an unrealistic expectation, but it sets us up for being manipulated by unscrupulous characters, often the government itself. “Governments do…

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The Secret Life of a Grandmother

The Secret Life of a Grandmother

I have been waiting impatiently for the 30th of June to arrive so that I could go to a luncheon I had been invited to. Yet on the actual day of the party, I forgot. Is this old age? Or is it the various distractions of my life many of which were unplanned but often very pleasant? I am distraught to have missed the luncheon. An author of a historical novel asked other authors to come to enjoy each other’s…

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In Honor of my Father

In Honor of my Father

My Daddy adored me. I was his first child. He was besotted with his first little girl. According to my mother, I adored him back. She said he used to take me everywhere and spend hours playing with me. Painting pictures, cutting out paper dolls, and making things for me. In those days, shirts came from the laundry with cardboard inserts to keep their shape. My daddy would help me cut out crenelated shapes from these and glue them together….

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Pandemico, Movie of The Mind

Pandemico, Movie of The Mind

by Jon Rappoport June 14, 2022 This movie has been produced in many ways, in many minds. In all cases, the theme is the same: DO NOT LIVE YOUR LIFE OUT IN THE OPEN. Instead, obey all restrictions. SHUT IT DOWN. Believe in the dangers you’re told to believe in. In the final analysis, this movie was a box office hit because most people gave in. Their fears may have hooked into different parts of the COVID narrative, but the…

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