What does it all mean?

What does it all mean?

Republican District 20 Chairman Anthony Miller of Arizona, who resigned puzzles me. Seems an odd move. Made me suspicious of what other motives he might have had. Perhaps he was going to resign anyway and used that parting shot to do some damage to the Tea Party.

Otherwise I am surprised at his lack of guts. Even Ambassadors to benign countries get death threats all the time. Bombs are found under cars. They travel with a support vehicle never alone. It was this way in the 70s and I suspect it is worse now. Any high profile person has to worry about those who have it in for them.? Movie stars, singers, (John Lennon) or sports stars are all at risk from mentally deranged people.

But my point is that politicians get death threats in the mail or otherwise, as a matter of course. If every one that got threatened resigned we would have NO government.

Come to think of it …that is not a bad idea! (Just joshing!)

To me the ability to speak (even violently) what one wishes to is one of our most basic principles.

When some say that we don’t have to speak what is truly in our minds, that does not make me feel one bit more comfortable. I would rather know who has violent thoughts about me or my party or anything, than to worry about what people “are not saying” but actually believe in their hearts.

Free speech really does mean FREE to say what you want. If you try to put limits on that, where on earth would we stop?

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