Your Mother May Be Your Best Doctor

Your Mother May Be Your Best Doctor

The best doctor you will ever have has no degree. She is your own Mother. Your mother can calm you with a phone call.? More than that she may be able to make pain go away with a kiss, a snuggle.? She may also prescribe medication, giving something to you that she has already in her medicine ?stash?.? Or she may give you herbal tea, apply essential oils, or cream or potions she concocted. No one calls her a fake, and most would not question her wisdom. Mothers are more careful about what they give their children than many doctors are.
She needs no degree to read your symptoms and decide if you are faking or truly ill. She knows your soul, and understands your gestures, she senses your heart?s desire. She knows when she is over-faced by a dangerous illness and calls in re-enforcements like doctors or other professionals.

Cherish your mother as she does you.? And as you each age you will find that it works both ways.? You will also see her health with your heart not just your brain.? That bond is eternal and even when there is no earthly connection her spirit will aid you in diagnosing your own children and grandchildren.

This is not just a charming little piece on motherhood, there is a deeper meaning here.? We have been trained in the 20th and now the 21st century to think of any ailment or anything out of the ordinary as something for which to take a pill, or ask help from a physician to prescribe something.

We seem to have forgotten the ancient ways of healing. We do not credit our instincts or our intuition with having the answers. We no longer trust our bodies to know what to do.

Start now, trusting yourself. Keep yourself healthy. It is entirely in your own hands, most of the time. Wishing you all a wonderful healthy, happy life.

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