Thank you note from my dogs:

Thank you note from my dogs:

My name is Magnus and I am a medium-sized black and tan, long-haired dachshund. I am 6 years old. I live with my Mom and two other dachshunds who joined the family later after I arrived. Sisi is a pretty, miniature, smooth hair red-gold bitch, also 6. I love her. Her slender muscular frame is lovely to watch. She has the look of a “greyhound”. She leaps and jumps and covers a lot of ground quickly. She is affectionate and…

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Easter Gathering! Family parties can be fun.

Easter Gathering! Family parties can be fun.

Easter morning was shot through with sunlight and still a bit chill from the night cooling. But the promise of a warm day was in the air along with the scent of flowering trees and shrubbery. What a Day!!!! Lucky for me, because 24 people were expected for lunch at 1:00 pm. All of my five children and their mates, plus my ex-husband and his wife Julie and ten of our grandchildren (plus 3 young men who were dates for…

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What is Identity-Independent Individuality?

What is Identity-Independent Individuality?

This country was founded on the rights of the INDIVIDUAL. First and foremost we have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Each of us, not some group, but each individual person in this country has that right. We are so driven by Identity Politics these days. It is everywhere. Who are you? Who am I? I am a Scottish American, white, heterosexual, sis-gender female, older than dirt, and politically Libertarian, Spiritual rather than conventionally religious. Do…

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Wiley T. Buchanan lll RlP

Wiley T. Buchanan lll RlP

He won the Orange County point to point twice, and he barely knew how to ride. He spoke with a slow drawl as if he really was a cowboy. But he was just a city boy from Washington DC. The West called to him though. He spent years living in New Mexico and Colorado. Everything about the west appealed to him. He loved the openness of the land and the people. The Indians (Do I have to say Native Americans?)…

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Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

The past happened. It was real. Women were chattel. Children had no rights. There were no Child Protective Services. (Was that a good thing or a bad thing?) There were few safety nets for those who fell on hard times. Life could be brutal. People had slaves, traded human beings like horses or cattle. It sounds awful to us today. Yet 250 ago, slavery was still practiced everywhere. It was not only in the New World but universal. And so…

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How Good We Are

How Good We Are

This article was so eloquent I asked permission to post it on my site. People with a passion for History are our best hope for the future. By Ron Maxwell Wednesday, March 03, 2021 Editor’s Note: Upset by the recent vote of the Board of Directors of Lord Fairfax Community College concerning changing the name of the college, Flint Hill resident Ron Maxwell read the following into the record at Monday’s Rappahannock County Board of Supervisors meeting: Today we’re not…

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This once brave country full of individualists and adventurers has become compliant and afraid. Or rather, they are compliant because they are afraid. It has been the most successful Psy Op in history. More effective than Hilter’s demonizing Jews, more effective than Gandhi forcing the British Empire to let India go. More effective than Martin Luther King speaking of his “Dream.” It reminds me of most of the Red Chinese taking over a once powerful and magnificent country and re-educating…

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I Remember Mama, Ruth Hale Buchanan

I Remember Mama, Ruth Hale Buchanan

She was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1918, the year of the Spanish Flu. Her mother died of the disease when my mother was 8 months old. And as a baby, she also had the Flu, but she survived it, which may have given her extra immunity. This may explain the extraordinary health that she enjoyed during her long life. February 22nd was her birthday. This year she would have been 103. She died only about 14 months ago,…

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How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

I appreciate feedback so much! Whether favorable or otherwise. Recently a young friend sent me this reply after I invited her to subscribe to my blog: Dear Bonnie, I received your invitation to your blog. Thank you for sharing, it’s so important to feel connected these days!  I respect your desire to share your voice and experience with the world. It’s brave in a way, but also deeply problematic.  I checked it out and have to say I disagree with…

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Stressed? Work on Your Core Muscles!

Stressed? Work on Your Core Muscles!

How many times have you heard people tell you that it is the core that is most important for your overall fitness? When exercising, this is often stressed. Without a strong core, the rest of your body won’t work as well or efficiently. Well, there is a lot more reason to strengthen your core. It is not just your fitness level, or even the way your clothes fit. It has an impact on your health in other ways. Read this…

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Snow, Don’t You Love It?

Snow, Don’t You Love It?

First, they tell you it is coming. The news shows, the weather app on my phone, and people where ever you go talk about a coming storm. Sometimes I think people do not have enough to do with their time. Focusing on a coming storm, especially a blizzard, seems to energize them. People love an impending disaster, especially if it is a little to the north of them. But there is the “possibility” that it might arrive right here. That…

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You are not a Victim!

You are not a Victim!

You are not a victim! You are not powerless. Despite the media, the classroom, and many best-selling books plying the public with tales of victimhood, it is not the truth. We all have the ability to rise above our circumstances, no matter how horrid. It has been proven over and over in the past. During the last century, the words of hope from people who were in hopeless situations were abundant. They populate the writings of people who survived concentration…

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Protest? Why not, they do it all the time!

Protest? Why not, they do it all the time!

To me, storming the capitol was about so much more than an election. We have been pushed to the limit. We have been disparaged and disregarded and laughed at for our “old-fashioned values” and our Patriotism. When have conservatives protested? When? We don’t do that. It is not our style. Ever since Barrack Hussein Obama was elected to the office of President, Democrats have protested nonstop about one thing or another. Once Donald Trump was elected, they went into a…

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