Are You Too Old to Learn Something New?

Are You Too Old to Learn Something New?

When I was 16 I got my driver’s license. It was one of the greatest days of my life. Freedom. The ability to just go and do it all by myself was like a miracle. Because I was given a car this really was an option. The feeling was thrilling. Empowerment was not a word I had ever heard back then, but it describes how I felt. Empowered. Hurrah! At the height of my ecstasy, it occurred to me that…

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Puppies are Good for the Soul.

Puppies are Good for the Soul.

It was a cold clear Christmas Eve and we were living at a house we called BonnieBrae. We had not been living there too long, only a few months. We believed we had sold our wonderful farm, Heathfield. It was supposed to go through on January 1 of that year Was it 2000? Or 2001? So we bought another house and moved into it before the actual settlement of the sale of Heathfield. A word to the wise: Don’t ever…

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RIP Mary Bowman

RIP Mary Bowman

We had dinner every Monday night for years. She liked to have two drinks before dinner. So that meant there was a lot of chatter and conversation between us as we sipped. As we got to know each other well. A mutual feeling of friendship grew between us. I LIKED her. It was fun to see each other every week. I looked forward to Mondays. I had come to Washington DC to live with my aging mother. I needed an…

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Common Sense Is the Best Antidote for Propaganda

Common Sense Is the Best Antidote for Propaganda

Philosopher Hannah Arendt sheds some light on the “Twitter Files.” Annie Holmquist author Here is a reprinted article that was published in Annie’s Attic on December 30th. It would be a great start to the new year. What I wish for everyone is the ability to think and to do so with common sense: The holiday season brings lots of joy, cheer, and family time … and for those in the journalism industry, a slow news cycle. That tradition changed…

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The Week After Christmas!

The Week After Christmas!

My favorite time of year! That time in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It lasts nearly a week. The day after Christmas is traditionally my absolute favorite. It is no longer as much a necessity as it was in those chaotic days when we had five children still in school. While they were all still living at home, Christmas was extremely hectic. Charley, Helen, Lilla, Robert, and Murdoch were as excited by Christmas as I was. I loved it….

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Thoughts on Christmas!

Thoughts on Christmas!

We had three special birthdays this year. In January I turned 80 and my oldest son turned 60, my second-to-youngest son is 50. Amazing ages! We are all in excellent health! We celebrated these milestones with wonderful dinners. And we are grateful to various businesses, and for our many family members. Chisholm Vineyard and wine tasting venue is serving their wonderful wine and welcoming those who wish to taste their prize winning wine in their scenic localle. My family is…

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How to Survive Christmas

How to Survive Christmas

Ice and snow were predicted for Wednesday. Yikes! If that happened, what could I do to protect myself and finish as many tasks as possible? In our family, there are some traditions that are simply carved in stone. Family gatherings for one thing, and decorations, christmas cards, presents, and at least one but more likely several family meals. There are five family birthdays this month. Those birthday people MUST have different presents, not just their gifts from Christmas. Decorations come…

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Happy Birthday, Robert!

Happy Birthday, Robert!

Fifty Years Ago, I had a Baby!! I was thirty, and we decided to have another baby. We already had three lovely children. But many of our friends were just getting married. It just looked like so much fun to add to the family. After all, Charley’s family had two sets of children separated by seven years. And we started so young with the first ‘set .’We were twenty when our first one was born, and I was still twenty-two…

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Tragic Story, Happy Ending!

Tragic Story, Happy Ending!

On the night before my debut, in June of 1960, my mother went out into the night down the driveway to the street after dark. The florist, Walter Sharon, who helped decorate the tents wanted her to see how they looked lighted at night. The tents were pink, dramatically illuminated by glittering small lights. They were hung with birdcages filled with flowers and each had a fake bird or two, adding to the glamor. It was “other-worldly,” the way the…

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Thanksgiving! Are You Giving Thanks?

Thanksgiving! Are You Giving Thanks?

This season is so necessary and so healthy. We should all be grateful for the idea of Thanksgiving. It is so healing and beneficial for the world. If you are breathing, you are probably thankful. Besides that this holiday does not require presents, greeting cards, long church services or even elaborate decorations. Just food. It is traditionally a feast day. The reason for the feasting is gratitude. What could be better? There is so much to be thankful for. When…

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Do You Have a Hat for the Races?

Do You Have a Hat for the Races?

My hat is ancient. It may be 30 years old, but it is more like 40. It was a nice straw hat from the beginning. However, age has mellowed it, and it has a patina that can only come with many years of use. For a long time, I kept it in my car all summer. It was always near in those years when we regularly drove a ‘four-in-hand.’ It sat on the back shelf below the rear window of…

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How Important is Your Lipstick

How Important is Your Lipstick

How important is your lipstick? When she was about 97, My mother had a fall while letting the dogs out.   She called and called until the cook heard her. Absolutely terrified, the cook called my sister-in-lawand then 911. Mother was shaken, but she said, “Someone bring me my lipstick and a mirror. I am not letting strange men come into my house and take me away without making sure mylipstick is on.” They insisted on taking her to the…

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What is Your Biggest Fear?

What is Your Biggest Fear?

Have you been terrorized by your TV? Do you listen to the numbers of people who have been diagnosed with covid? Do you pay attention to the number of dead? Do you know that these numbers are simply not true? All the information is available online. But you really have to search. Many doctors and scientists have been silenced or marginalized because tech companies do not want to allow dissent. Is this because the number of dollars for advertising comes…

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Will We Ever Be Able to Trust the Media, Again?

Will We Ever Be Able to Trust the Media, Again?

This quote is by Henry Kissinger. “It is not a matter what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” This is interesting. It is also terrifying. Why are people just ignoring this?We are living in an age of pure propaganda, and I do not like it. The news is slanted toward the Democrats, but I believe they are also deceived. They are very short-sighted if they think this does not apply to them,…

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5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.

5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.

This week has been both icy cold and unseasonably warm, and last night, it was raining (but warm). It seems to me that there are many ways to enjoy the changing season. Here are my top 5. Number 1. Go out into the fresh air. Breath. Saturday was the Opening Day of the Keswick Hunt, and I went to the meet to see them off. It is lovely to be involved in hunting, even as a spectator. Thanks to my…

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