5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.
This week has been both icy cold and unseasonably warm, and last night, it was raining (but warm). It seems to me that there are many ways to enjoy the changing season. Here are my top 5.
Number 1.
Go out into the fresh air. Breath. Saturday was the Opening Day of the Keswick Hunt, and I went to the meet to see them off. It is lovely to be involved in hunting, even as a spectator. Thanks to my youngest son being appointed one of the Masters of Foxhounds at Keswick, I feel perfectly comfortable hanging around. Yesterday the crisp air tingled as I rushed out to my car at 7:30 am to drive to the lovely estate where they hold the opening meet each year. Blue sky, and scudding clouds, and the slanting sunlight of early morning made my drive pleasant meaningful. The fresh air will cheer you up and help you understand and be grateful for being alive.
Number 2.
Spend time with a friend. I have an arrangement with an old friend to come to Washington DC every two weeks to have dinner with her. 2 weeks ago we met at a favorite restaurant and had a delightful dinner. Afterward, I slept in her guest room and left the next morning for Charlottesville. These trips are fun for both of us, and they help organize my time. It is so important to have plans. Having events to look forward to is good for the soul. Today I am driving up to the city again and I am looking forward to our dinner together.
Number 3
Exercise. I go to Pilates. I try to go about four times a week, sometimes more. When going to class that often, I notice an improvement in strength and stamina that builds on itself. It keeps me young at heart. Find something that you enjoy and keep doing it every week. Once a week is NOT enough. Make it a habit and do it rain or shine. The rewards are awesome. Today I went to a class that starts at 6:30 am. It was magical even though when first arrived I felt stiff and wished I was still in bed. Afterward, I was supple and full of energy.
Number 4
Party with your family and friends. This past week or so has been really full of entertainment. A family 21st birthday party at my son’s house, a gathering of out-of-town family one night where I had a lovely small dinner party at my house. There was a black tie Gala for an organization I belong to. It was held at Farmington Country Club, and it was lots of fun. I was welcomed back by another organization with which I am affiliated, but from which I had been excluded because of my refusal to comply with demands to show a vaccine passport. It made me happy to be warmly welcomed. We all need people. We need socialization just as all herd animals do. We absorb energy from our friends and in turn we give them some of ours. This keeps us all healthy and happy.
Number 5
Eat right, and cook your food from scratch. Because fall is here, I decided to fix coq au vin for dinner. That has always seemed like a winter dish to me. Just to be sure I had not forgotten anything, I pulled up a couple of recipes on Pinterest.com to see if I could improve on my memory of what to add to the dish. The result was delicious. And I added a Ceasar Salad to accompany the chicken. The entire meal was a triumph. My guest said it was as good as he could have had in a restaurant. That warmed my heart.
Number 6
Enjoy your pets. If you do not have pets, I suggest a visit to a friend who DOES have them. It could be a cat, a dog, or a bird. It can even be a horse. Who was it that said, “There is nothing so good for the inside of a man as the outside of a horse.”? Truer words were never spoken. Stroking the head of a dog, holding a warm furry cat in your lap, or even just watching a bird sing in its cage can lower your stress level and give you intense pleasure. Have a great week!
Copyright©. 2022 Bonnie B. Matheson
2 thoughts on “5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.”
Terrific info to warm my soul, longing for some time back in Virginia.
Here, in an apartment building that has seen the ravages of time. I
don’t believe it will ever have another chance. The Kennedy Center is
here, yes, which has a goldmine of events, however, walking over is a
bit tricky. Last night, a giant rat jumped out of the greenery around the
office buiding next door. We both screamed !
You are in my thoughts,
What wonderful thoughts! Made my heart sing. Now that we are in Independent Living I can only dream of such wonderful things!