Will We Ever Be Able to Trust the Media, Again?
This quote is by Henry Kissinger. “It is not a matter what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”
This is interesting. It is also terrifying. Why are people just ignoring this?
We are living in an age of pure propaganda, and I do not like it.
The news is slanted toward the Democrats, but I believe they are also deceived. They are very short-sighted if they think this does not apply to them, too. It just depends on who is in power. Both sides are weaponizing the media companies. Both sides will weaponize the FBI and the CIA, and other agencies.
The news is not “the news.” It is whatever the powers that be want you to know.

That is horrifying. But it has been going on to some extent, forever, I suppose.
Only now, it is almost complete drivel.
One time I met a woman from a country that lived under communism. I believe it was Yugoslavia, which is no longer one country, but many. When she was growing up, it was completely controlled by the “party.” She told me that people only bought the newspaper for use as wrapping paper, for stuffing into things, to make a fire, or perhaps for sports scores. NO ONE believed any of the news in the paper. It was a joke. Everyone knew it was plain lies or propaganda of some sort.
When she told me that, I felt sorry for them. It seemed a sad commentary on that regime.

But now I know how she felt. Many people I know feel the same.
But we carry on.
Copyright©. 2022 Bonnie B. Matheson