Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!

Do you know about Stretch Lab? I was so wrong about them. The name scared me. I have seen the name on a storefront and heard an ad for the place on the radio. Yet each time, I was filled with dread because I have a lot of trouble “stretching.” The very idea is painful. So I was in no way interested in increasing my own stretching. But I did not understand. They need to improve their signage to let people know it is easy. They should say, “Let us do it for you!”
When one of my sons told me he had signed up for three months of stretching at this new company, it shocked me. You have no idea how much I dislike stretching. It hurts. “You should try it, Mom,” he said. I explained how much I disliked stretching on command in any exercise class. He told me that at Stretch Lab, the technicians do the work. You just let them stretch your muscles for you. Fantastic!! And all you have to do is lie there like a “dead fish.”
So this morning, I tried it. Hurray! Just as I was told, it was a complete rest for me. But my body has benefitted from 50 minutes of stretching and relaxation. Please go try it out for yourself. Tell them Bonnie sent you.
As we all get older, flexibility is so important. I have some friends who are remarkably flexible and put me to shame. My friend Robin has the range of a ballerina. Long deep stretches are not painful to her. And she moves with grace. Until today, I thought that was just a genetic difference between us. But now I realize I will see good results if I am diligent about making and keeping appointments.
Of course, one cannot change one’s body type, but there is a large range in the ability to move one’s body. Even a less flexible body can gain an enormous advantage with practice. In the past, I was never willing to do the work myself. My laziness has been made moot by introducing a Stretch Lab conveniently located at Barracks Road shopping center in Charlottesville, VA. They have franchises all over the place. Try it; I bet you will like it.
I can’t wait to go back. The entire experience is great. It is cool and dark in there. Restful, and yet the knowledge that your body is being worked out is gratifying. There is no sweating or raised heart rate. This is clearly just elongating the muscles and making movement easier. The instructors or technicians are knowledgeable and experienced. They are patient and kind and listen well.
My personal health regime includes reflexology, chiropractic, massage, and Club Pilates which I have been going to for over three years. Stretch Lab has now been added to my schedule. Why don’t you consider adding it to your own? It is a great way to make your body say thank you while you lie on your back and have someone who knows what to do, move your body for you.
Isn’t it fun to find something that suits and is good for you, too?
Copyright©. 2023 Bonnie B. Matheson
2 thoughts on “Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!”
Bonnie, You are always an inspiration to me! Happy to know about Stretch Lab!
Nancy Parsons
Bonnie, You are an inspiration to me! Happy to know about Stretch Lab!
Nancy Parsons