Where are we going?
I wrote the following after learning that a board meeting I normally attend will be held “virtually”. If one or two of us want to come in person, we have to abide by the ridiculous, restrictive, rules set up by the very Liberal Governor of Michigan
“This is all horrible.
I will not attend in person. I will NOT comply with the mind-bending control and restrictions mandated by the current Governor now or ever. And it saddens me that this organization is doing so. It is unconstitutional, and it is WRONG.

Can’t you all see that this is pure manipulation?
It isn’t real. The numbers do not support the panic. PLEASE pay attention to what is happening in our country. There are forces that are attempting to divide and conquer, and they are being very successful.
It is deeply disappointing to me that this organization is not standing against the forces who are trying to take our country down.
Our founder was so patriotic, so Conservative, so God-Fearing and so afraid of Socialism and Communism she must be spinning in her grave.
She believed in individual freedoms and had a strong work ethic.
Are we going to let identity politics poison our country? I wonder.
So, I will not be a participant in person.”

It disgusts me the way people have fallen into lockstep with the fear-based culture now established by decree.
How did this happen? What became of our courage, our American ingenuity, and our drive to succeed, conquer all obstacles?
Everyone is cowering in fear about something so random. Most of the deaths in this country have been in nursing homes. People already compromised died perhaps a little earlier than they would have otherwise. ( before you start, I know that some younger supposedly healthy people died, too)
The New York Times used the term “Monster” to describe the Wuflu. Which, by the way, may be a biological weapon unleashed with or without intent by China. It was then covered up long enough to infect the entire globe.
But it is not a monster lurking in shadows waiting to pounce on us. It is a sickness, some do not even believe it exists, but I think it is real. HOWEVER, we can fight it off and never get sick if our immune systems are robust.
Why doesn’t the Mainstream media spend as much time talking about how to stay healthy as it does about how many people died? The press is complicit in the conspiracy to take down our country. They may not realize it, but they are doing a great job of terrorizing the population.
I have many friends who are in serious mental anguish over what is happening according to the news. The news is often lying, though.
I know I cannot convince any of you who are reading this that I am right. It is not necessary, anyway.
What I want to stress is individual liberty—freedom of speech and movement. We need to stop shaming people who believe differently from us. If you wish to wear a mask, you are free to do so. But if I do NOT want to wear one, leave me alone.
If masks work, then why do you care if I am wearing one? Wear your own, and you will be fine (because that is what you believe)
I believe I will be fine without one.
It sickens me to see little children in masks. What are we teaching our young??? To fear and to comply…it is awful.
My larger point is that we, as a board, have some power to stop this insanity. We should unite with other organizations and say STOP IT!!!
Seriously, you cannot believe all this hype, can you?

Let’s show a little spunk! Some people need to stand up and say the emperor has no clothes.
Otherwise, we will never be able to recover. Our country is being destroyed from within. BY US. How can we continue to let this happen?
My grandmother died of the flu in 1918. She was 24 years old. That one was a real pandemic. And the country recovered.
This time some people will die. Maybe even me, because we all die eventually. That thought does not horrify me. No one lives forever and we need to stop fearing the virus. We have to start living, working, hugging, and socializing. It is imperative.
Enough ranting. I hope I made my point.
Go do something risky!
Copyright©. 2020 Bonnie B. Matheson