Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!

Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!

Do you know about Stretch Lab? I was so wrong about them. The name scared me. I have seen the name on a storefront and heard an ad for the place on the radio. Yet each time, I was filled with dread because I have a lot of trouble “stretching.” The very idea is painful. So I was in no way interested in increasing my own stretching. But I did not understand. They need to improve their signage to let…

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Do You Belong to a Hate Group?

Do You Belong to a Hate Group?

Do you belong to a hate group? Is it a political party, or a group of people whose sexual identity is off-center? Perhaps it is an ethnic group? Race is the sure way to peg someone “different”. What about a religious group, or perhaps it is a group of skeptics who revile other groups who believe differently? Do you know what your group believes about “others”? Or do you just assume that they are open-minded and balanced? Sometimes people find…

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Contentment…What Is Yours?

Contentment…What Is Yours?

My plants are thirsty. Sometimes it seems they are asking for water by some subliminal method. I feel their thirst and their desire to have me provide water. I supply them readily, soaking the orchids in water and letting them drain for several hours in the sink. None of that “icecube melting” for my orchids, no indeed. The slanting morning sun glints off of several, silver champaign coolers which hold multiple orchids, dyed pastel colors. Slightly sheer but, opaque enough…

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Hope is in the Air, Can You Feel It?

Hope is in the Air, Can You Feel It?

As I sit outside on this lovely Spring day, awash with pollen from the many flowering trees and the budding leaves of deciduous trees that are so early to leaf out this year, I ponder. While I sit here in warm sunlight watching my dogs accustom themselves to my new puppy there are hundreds of political prisoners sitting in disgusting, solitary cells in Washington DC. The rules have been changed and the government is holding these men without trial, often…

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After Grieving, a New Puppy!

After Grieving, a New Puppy!

Of course, it is too soon. It is way too soon to replace my beloved dog, Magnus. But when you want a new dog they are not always available. So it is best to act immediately if you learn about a good one. And that is what happened. Everyone knew how sad I was to lose Magnus. They wanted to make me happy. “I am happy,” I said. “Magnus was my most demanding dog. He had me running to let…

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RIP Magnus, My Dachshund, My Love.

RIP Magnus, My Dachshund, My Love.

My dog Magnus died Saturday night. He seemed fine and was roughhousing with Sisi my small red smooth coated female at 8 o’clock but when I went to let him out before bed he didn’t come. I looked for him and found him dead in my closet stiff and cold. He must have gone in there to die soon after I saw them playing! It is always a shock to lose a dog. And Magnus was such a sweetheart! I…

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From Catastrophe to Success!

From Catastrophe to Success!

On the night of my debutante ball, Richard Nixon, who was Vice President, and his wife, Pat, came over early with their two adolescent daughters, Julie and Tricia. They wanted to see the tent and the decorations before the extraordinary debutante party my parents gave for me at Underoak, our beautiful estate. Walter Sharon, the florist, was there, too, working on the flowers. Ridgewells Caterers were setting up for the breakfast to be served later. The “A 1 Tent Company”…

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It All Seemed Perfectly Normal to Me.

It All Seemed Perfectly Normal to Me.

To please my father as well as myself, I became a debutante at several balls in 1960. Glamor and mystique attend the idea of making a debut into society. In fact, my father told me that when I was old enough, he would make sure I was presented at court to the Queen in London. Sadly for him, if not for me, the debutante balls of the court were canceled after the 1958 season.By the 1950s, life was changing in…

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My Little Angel Child!

My Little Angel Child!

When I was waiting for my baby to be born, I was Christmas shopping and sending out Christmas cards. I was so late with the cards because I kept thinking the baby would come in time for a photo on the card. NOPE. She was due in late November, but she did not feel like being born yet. In fact, it was three weeks past her due date when she finally arrived on December 19th, a few days before Christmas….

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Are You Controlled By Fear?

Are You Controlled By Fear?

It is hard to believe that people are still falling for it. But the other day I went to a consignment store that has wonderful things. I noticed a sign on the door saying, “Masks encouraged.” Sure enough, when I went up to the desk, I saw that all three women working there were wearing pointy white paper masks. Of course, they do nothing to protect the wearer from this virus. I guess it is some psychological “fix.” Do they…

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How Do You Feel When Your Child is 60?

How Do You Feel When Your Child is 60?

My Oldest Daughter is Having a Big Birthday this month. Helen Dow Matheson Hilliard was born on February 24, 1963. (just after my 21st birthday ) Second of our children. She was born in Charlottesville, VA at UVA Hospital. Her dad was in the Architecture School at UVA. We were thrilled to have a girl. Our family was complete. A Mom and Dad and two children, a boy and a girl were the ideal in the 1960s. But in fact,…

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Valentine’s Day Reminded Me…

Valentine’s Day Reminded Me…

Marriage. I believe in marriage. When it is good it is very, very good. The day I married Charley remains in my memory one of the happiest days of my life. Walking down that aisle, surrounded by guests seated in the lovely wooden pews. and with every third pew bedecked with a beautiful white rose, and a baby’s breath floral arrangement. The flowers hung on a wrought iron stand– a tall, narrow base– so that they could be easily visible….

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Our Trust in Doctors was Misplaced

Our Trust in Doctors was Misplaced

Do you want to live a long and healthy life? If you are taking care of yourself, you should be seeing someone besides a typical “western” doctor. They are not trustworthy and cannot be believed any longer. Many people have lost all faith in them. Do not allow yourself to be sucked into the “system.” See an alternative healer like a chiropractor, naturopath or herbalist. Acupuncture and even hypnosis can heal you without side effects or drug dependency. I opened…

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Murdoch is Good Company!

Murdoch is Good Company!

His father used to say this after spending time alone with Murdoch. My son Murdoch is good company. Not rambunctious or argumentative, not boring or scary, not noisy, rude or disruptive, just fun to be around; he is active and athletic, but peaceful and intelligent. The fifth of our children and the last, as it turned out, we may have spoiled him at times. But other times he raised himself. We were busy, and he was so unobtrusive we did…

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Our First Born Son is 61 Today

Our First Born Son is 61 Today

When he was born, I was 20 years old. It was thrilling. But I was clueless. I knew nothing about babies. I had never even babysat a child. Everything was new. The first time my pediatrician came to my house, I was embarrassed that I did not know how to change a diaper very well. I was such a baby myself. That was in the days when doctors still did that. And he encouraged me to nurse Charley, saying it…

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