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Category: Health

Be a Nutritarian, and Be Healthy For Life.

Be a Nutritarian, and Be Healthy For Life.

According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman a Nutritarian is a person who eats for health. Be one. It is the perfect time of year for this. Fresh fruit and veggies are abundant and often cheap. Buy what you need for each day. Keep your food fresh. Try for an artistic array of colors in every meal. Stay healthy this way instead of taking a pill or some other form of medication. We have control over most of our lives and our…

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Being a woman is not a disease. Keep your uterus and ovaries.

Being a woman is not a disease. Keep your uterus and ovaries.

Don’t have a hysterectomy. Keep your sex drive. Keep your health and mind safe.?Do not let any doctor tell you that you do not need your uterus or ovaries. I have had doctor after doctor tell me that no woman over 60 needs her ovaries. This is simply not true. But until I found this site I could not prove it. ?Doctors would say to me, “Show me the data.” And I could not do so. Now, here it is….

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unneeded x-rays… Don’t have them!

unneeded x-rays… Don’t have them!

I just read a post at by Jennifer Margulis about standing up to a new dentist and refusing to have her child’s teeth x-rayed. I support her decision 100%. It is terrible that the people we trust: doctors dentists and even nurses sometimes, do not know about the harm they sometimes do in following protocols. Years ago we got plenty of radiation from different places. Not only am I old enough to remember when EVERY single shoe store had…

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sex and the vibrator

sex and the vibrator

Today I was browsing sites that deal with women their problems and desires as they age. One of my favorites is Libido fo Life. There I found a post by Joan Price who wrote Better Than I Ever Expected: Straight Talk about Sex after Sixty and the upcoming Naked at Our Age. She had answered a question about using a vibrator rather than having an orgasm without electrical enhancement. That struck a chord with me, because when writing my book…

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ADHD should not be dreaded or feared

ADHD should not be dreaded or feared

This is a very poor reason for divorce: “ADHD is a very challenging diagnosis,” says The Complete Divorce Handbook author Brette Semper, and raising a child with this disorder is expensive, stressful, and emotionally consuming. It’s definitely going to put a huge stress on a marriage.” I just read the above statement and it really makes me sad for families who believe it. All this money spent and so much angst involved. Before this was determined to be a disease…

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Melon and Prociutto

Melon and Prociutto

It is Sunday morning and I was up early making my coffee. ?Sitting on the cutting board was a fresh melon that I bought yesterday but forgot to store in the refrigerator. When I opened the door of my fridge and rearranged some things to make room, I noticed a package of prociutto that I had forgotten I had. Slicing the melon, tearing off some pieces of the meat, my breakfast satisfied hunger and gave me mental entertainment. This is…

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Suppose we are wrong?

Suppose we are wrong?

I spoke with a friend who happens to be a doctor about some rather “new age” theory or another. He said, “Show me the data, then I will believe you.” ?I answered him, “You doctors and scientists make a mistake by always wanting the data before you will believe something. Sometimes the data is not yet available but that does not make the thing less true.” People used to believe the world was flat. Before Christopher Columbus, there was no…

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Do you wonder whether home birth is safe or not?

Do you wonder whether home birth is safe or not?

The following commentary was written as an answer to an article about birthing at home versus hospital birth.? They characterized home birth as being less safe.? had the article online. I decided to put my response on my blog because it may stir up some controversy and make people think.? That is what I want more than anything. If I can help encourage people to think for themselves that is the most I can ask. I don’t care so…

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ACOG has asked for horror stories of home births.

ACOG has asked for horror stories of home births.

I have been told that ACOG has asked people to send them stories of home births gone wrong. I would like to see women send them stories of hospital births gone wrong.? There are a lot more of those to tell about. Women have become such “sheep” when it comes to birth that they allow all sorts of improprieties in the name of “hospital protocols” and they do not complain except to each other afterward.? It is wrong. But until…

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Is there really a flu pandemic?

Is there really a flu pandemic?

Please do your research before you begin to panic over the misinformation being put out abut the Swine Flu. There are so many sites that tell the truth. I am not sure why the press is trying so hard to frighten us.? But they are.? So don’t buy it, check it out for yourselves.

embracing “old age”

embracing “old age”

Someone asked me recently when they saw me with a new haircut, if I was “accepting” old age.? That seemed a strange comment at the time.? I knew I looked vibrant and alive and happy.? The shorter hair cut was extremely flattering and chic. So I was puzzled but wanted to answer kindly.? I said ” That doesn’t sound quite right.” and I paused and thought about it for a minute. Suddenly the correct word just popped into my head…

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my blog for today

my blog for today

I want to begin to start collecting examples of people who survived and feel that they are cured of life threatening diseases, using other than typical methods. I will be using many of these stories in my next book. Please send me stories and contact information. I will get back to you as soon as possible.