What Are You Willing To Do?

What Are You Willing To Do?

It is unbelievable how easily one adjusts to living in City conditions. When I moved to Washington, DC, to care for my mother, I got used to it quickly. Yet when I moved out to the country near a much smaller city, Charlottesville, I began to change. I don’t crave the city vibe. I do not care for the traffic or the tension of looking for parking and then paying for it. Locking everything up and looking over your shoulder…

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It is Time to Stop the Madness.

It is Time to Stop the Madness.

Every day, I receive many, many solicitations for money from Republicans. They all say it is my duty to help them, or they catastrophize events that are happening. They are tiresome. I rarely write back. But today I wrote to Jim Johnson, who is a good guy. (Maybe) “Why don’t Republicans fight for me? Start with election integrity!” “Then stand behind President Trump and denounce Biden. And get those Jan. 6th prisoners out of jail! Why don’t you all admit…

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Two of my granddaughters announced their engagements this summer. So exciting!!! Daisy is going to marry Steve Luck. Would you believe me if I tell you that Grace is going to marry Gil Luck? But these two men with the same last name are NOT related. Both men proposed to each granddaughter within a couple of weeks of each other. Stories about how men proposed to women flood the Internet. Would you like to know what happened between me and…

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Summer vacation, Dude Ranch!

Summer vacation, Dude Ranch!

Wyoming is addictive. Where we were, a 360-degree view of infinite space, breathtaking and nearly indescribable, filled my heart with joy. When driving from Denver (6 hours!),the dramatic rock formations come one after another. As we got closer to our destination, the land became more and more spectacular. Unfortunately, this was not visible at the time. For one thing, it was nighttime. Visibility was near zero due to a storm of fierce wind, heavy rain, and jagged lightning followed by…

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What Are You; Boy or Girl?

What Are You; Boy or Girl?

Are you a boy or a girl? There are only two sexes. That is the Science. Same with pronouns…! Pronouns are a gateway drug says Megyn Kelly who once felt comfortable using the gender preferred ones that people requested. She has since awakened to the harm of all this “preferred pronouns” and transgender hype and hysteria. She has a daughter and so she understands the harm that is being done to all young girls during this very strange time in…

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Pay Attention to Me!

Pay Attention to Me!

Many years ago, as a young married woman with three children, I found myself visiting many different doctors. Of course, there were the pediatric visits necessary (I thought) when you have very young children. One of my children had terrible earaches, and so we had many visits to the doctor for him. Sadly I gave that child antibiotics over and over during his youth. I did not know better, and apparently, neither did their doctor. However, it is my own…

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Just Write a Blog Post!!!

Just Write a Blog Post!!!

There are so many subjects vital to life that need to be written about. Of course, puppies are the best of all. I could write about my new puppty all day long. However the world is in such turmoil and there are so many things I care about. It is difficult to choose one and focus on it. So here is a post with several subjects. You decide which ones you want to follow up on. Lately, I saw the…

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Congratulations! It Is The 4th of July!

Congratulations! It Is The 4th of July!

This is the time when Americans have celebrated the birth of our nation ever since it actually happened. During the 1940s and 50s, it was without a doubt a family holiday. When I was young it seemed to be a universally happy day in the USA. In the decades since there have been a lot of changes in the narrative and the general attitude about the founding of the country, and whether it should be celebrated. Unfortunately, there are several…

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Censored! Trigger Warning!

Censored! Trigger Warning!

Censorship. Do you approve of it? How can it be a good thing? I do not understand why any American would defend it. The more you know, the more you know. Isn’t that the goal? Wouldn’t you like to know what the world thinks? What about knowing what your political party thinks and believes? It seems to me that it is even more important to know what your enemies or opposition think or believe. Even complete fanatics don’t need to…

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Never Say Never

Never Say Never

Have you ever decided that you are finished with a sport or an exercise because it was no longer convenient? Or maybe you felt too old to do it anymore. You gave it up as an intelligent thing to do. Many people probably have done this. Have you said, “I will never do this again?” I am here to tell you that maybe you need to rethink it. Almost 20 years ago, I gave up riding because my horse bowed…

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Enough About My Hair.

Enough About My Hair.

This is all about me! and my hair… First of all, it is NOT curly like Shirley Temples’s hair was. And it is not blond. These facts disappointed my mother. This lack of perfection was a constant problem in my life. It was something I tried to overcome, by learning to be me. When I was born I had a full head of thick, black hair. You could clip a bow in it, and even style it a bit. My…

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Graduation! Congratulations!

Graduation! Congratulations!

Waiting on the lawn at UVA to watch my granddaughter graduate all of us were filled with anticipation. This was a real triumph for her because she had a rocky final year of high school. But she persevered and went, first, to Piedmont Community College for two years where she earned great grades. She then completed her degree with two years of study at UVA. We are so proud of her because she has true “grit” and a will to…

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Did You Ever Fall in Love with a Pony?

Did You Ever Fall in Love with a Pony?

Peanut Butter the pony I was ten years old, and he was the love of my life: Peanut Butter, a palomino pony who was exactly 14.2 hands, technically a pony rather than a horse. This meant I could ride in large pony classes in horse shows rather than the regular adult classes. This was supposed to give me a better chance to win, but Peanuts was no show horse! My father knew I wanted to have my pony located in…

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Do Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)?

Do Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)?

People used to dress differently. A lot differently. Part of the difference was tradition from an even earlier age, but it was also because they cared about what others thought of how they were dressed. It was somewhat showing off. It was a sign of affluence to have many changes of clothes. In the 1800s, a woman might have only two dresses. One, an everyday dress, and the second, a Sunday ‘go-to-meeting dress.’ To be clean, she would change her…

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Do Something Controversial; Get Married!

Do Something Controversial; Get Married!

The idea of getting married is now considered controversial.How did that happen? Two-time Super Bowl champion kicker Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs delivered a speech to graduates at Georgia Tech on May 6, 2023. He gave this advice: “Get married and start a family”. He said this in reference to finding a way to better people’s lives in this country. Some people cheered when he said it. Some did not. And it has gone viral as a “controversial…

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