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Category: COVID and Mandates

Masks, the Mark of the Sheep

Masks, the Mark of the Sheep

The mask mandates have been lifted on planes and all sorts of other places. Thank goodness! Yet there are some out there still demanding to resurrect the mandates. It baffled me right from the start how people could have fallen for the mask mandate. It was easy to prove masks were ineffective and not worth wearing. Furthermore, wearing a mask was like wearing a sign saying, “I am compliant, I do what I am told.” It was also horrifying to…

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Let’s Hear It for the Truckers!

Let’s Hear It for the Truckers!

My heart goes out to the truckers in the Convoy that drove to Ottawa to protest the mandates. I applaud those headed to Washington DC, now. In fact, I am partial to all truckers everywhere. This is because I had a brief, semi-secret life as a trucker’s girlfriend. It may surprise you to know that I once traveled all over the west with a man in a Big Rig. I was simply besotted by that guy. The origin story of…

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Do you care about Freedom?

Do you care about Freedom?

Are you one of those who make fun of people who talk about Free-dumb? Do you value “free speech”? Have you thought about what your life will be like when you no longer have any freedom to do as you wish? You will not be able to complain because that will be deemed “hate speech”. Can you see that the mandates are taking your freedom from you one thing at a time. And now with vaccine passports, all of your…

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Misinformation or Censorship?

Misinformation or Censorship?

A nurse told me, “Your private doctor does not care about you. They just want to make money. They do NOT care what happens to you.” She was emphatic and she sounded angry. Everyone is on edge, these days. She was adamant that doctors were in it only for the money.This was interesting because she is a nurse at a hospital. Most people I know would say that “hospitals do not care about you. They just want to make money.”…

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Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?

Are You a Conspiracy Theorist?

A ‘ conspiracy theorist ‘ is someone who engages in Critical Thinking. Isn’t that a good thing? When we are young the world is bright with promise and seems to extend out indefinitely. Even if our circumstances are dire, there is hope peaking over the horizon, seen from a distance maybe, but still possible. At the end of life, our gaze turns back to see how far from the starting point we have come. There is less time to begin…

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Snow Daze!

Snow Daze!

The sun shone behind a wall of clouds so diaphanous that it seemed to be made of sheer Mother of Pearl. Silvery, shimmering as if it would burst forth any second now in glorious glaring sunlight. But that never happened. Instead, the sky became thicker and smoother and the scent of snow was in the air. It felt damp and cold and invigorating at the same time. Snow-covered the turquoise-painted outdoor furniture on the terrace, and it covered the terrace,…

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Mass Formation, how did we get here?

Mass Formation, how did we get here?

It is the lockdowns, the high anxiety, the clot shot, and general despair!!! It is shocking but it is no mystery! You can blame Fauci most of all because he is the lone spokesman for much of this. However, the American people put up with it and have not stood up for their rights or freedom. There is no one to blame but ourselves! Learn about Mass Formation. Is that what you want to be a part of? I vaccinated…

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How Bad Can It Get?

How Bad Can It Get?

Think about the title of this post. What is your threshold? How much will you put up with? What are you willing to do to stop it? Recently an organization to which I belong sent out an email to the membership about their new policy. The new rule which must be complied with is to show a vaccine passport or failing that, a negative Covid test. You must do this in order to attend their dinners and luncheons from now…

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Last Week I Spoke to a Doctor.

Last Week I Spoke to a Doctor.

It was a social occasion nothing medical. He is one of the best doctors in the United States. He is a cardiac surgeon, and if there is ever any reason for me to have heart surgery, he is my choice of physician. Besides he is super nice, personable, handsome, and popular. However, we disagree about what is happening with Covid. He talked about his Texas hospital being full. When I asked why they don’t treat the virus early, he said…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fear! It is the new way to control you! The fear that inculcates almost everyone these days is inconceivable to me. Where did it come from? I think it was organized and planned many years ago. The fear has made people segregate out the unvaccinated as if they were lepers. It’s a way of also separating out the non-compliant. It’s actually a brilliant way of discovering who is likely to go along and who will refuse. Of course, they managed…

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When Will You Have Had Enough?

When Will You Have Had Enough?

Today I watched a video with Peter Mark Robinson and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya about how the government is using the police power of the state to crush doctors who do not adhere to the latest line from the Biden administration and Dr Fauci. It is tyrannical and wrong. The government assures us that everyone benefits equally from vaccination. Those who have previously had COVID and already have antibodies are not given the choice. They MUST take the shot. There is…

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Do Something? Or not?

Do Something? Or not?

A funeral of a friend was held at the National Cathedral last Tuesday. The entire church was crowded with mourners; friends and family and those whose lives the deceased touched. It was a beautiful service, true to his ideals and his nature. What a celebration! The Cathedral was full from the front rows to the back. Someone mentioned a figure of 700 souls. Few people whom I know are as well known and also well-liked as this man who died…

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