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Category: The Healthy Life

Pay Attention to Me!

Pay Attention to Me!

Many years ago, as a young married woman with three children, I found myself visiting many different doctors. Of course, there were the pediatric visits necessary (I thought) when you have very young children. One of my children had terrible earaches, and so we had many visits to the doctor for him. Sadly I gave that child antibiotics over and over during his youth. I did not know better, and apparently, neither did their doctor. However, it is my own…

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Did You Ever Fall in Love with a Pony?

Did You Ever Fall in Love with a Pony?

Peanut Butter the pony I was ten years old, and he was the love of my life: Peanut Butter, a palomino pony who was exactly 14.2 hands, technically a pony rather than a horse. This meant I could ride in large pony classes in horse shows rather than the regular adult classes. This was supposed to give me a better chance to win, but Peanuts was no show horse! My father knew I wanted to have my pony located in…

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Do Something Controversial; Get Married!

Do Something Controversial; Get Married!

The idea of getting married is now considered controversial.How did that happen? Two-time Super Bowl champion kicker Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs delivered a speech to graduates at Georgia Tech on May 6, 2023. He gave this advice: “Get married and start a family”. He said this in reference to finding a way to better people’s lives in this country. Some people cheered when he said it. Some did not. And it has gone viral as a “controversial…

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Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!

Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!

Do you know about Stretch Lab? I was so wrong about them. The name scared me. I have seen the name on a storefront and heard an ad for the place on the radio. Yet each time, I was filled with dread because I have a lot of trouble “stretching.” The very idea is painful. So I was in no way interested in increasing my own stretching. But I did not understand. They need to improve their signage to let…

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Do You Belong to a Hate Group?

Do You Belong to a Hate Group?

Do you belong to a hate group? Is it a political party, or a group of people whose sexual identity is off-center? Perhaps it is an ethnic group? Race is the sure way to peg someone “different”. What about a religious group, or perhaps it is a group of skeptics who revile other groups who believe differently? Do you know what your group believes about “others”? Or do you just assume that they are open-minded and balanced? Sometimes people find…

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Hope is in the Air, Can You Feel It?

Hope is in the Air, Can You Feel It?

As I sit outside on this lovely Spring day, awash with pollen from the many flowering trees and the budding leaves of deciduous trees that are so early to leaf out this year, I ponder. While I sit here in warm sunlight watching my dogs accustom themselves to my new puppy there are hundreds of political prisoners sitting in disgusting, solitary cells in Washington DC. The rules have been changed and the government is holding these men without trial, often…

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Are You Controlled By Fear?

Are You Controlled By Fear?

It is hard to believe that people are still falling for it. But the other day I went to a consignment store that has wonderful things. I noticed a sign on the door saying, “Masks encouraged.” Sure enough, when I went up to the desk, I saw that all three women working there were wearing pointy white paper masks. Of course, they do nothing to protect the wearer from this virus. I guess it is some psychological “fix.” Do they…

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Thoughts on Christmas!

Thoughts on Christmas!

We had three special birthdays this year. In January I turned 80 and my oldest son turned 60, my second-to-youngest son is 50. Amazing ages! We are all in excellent health! We celebrated these milestones with wonderful dinners. And we are grateful to various businesses, and for our many family members. Chisholm Vineyard and wine tasting venue is serving their wonderful wine and welcoming those who wish to taste their prize winning wine in their scenic localle. My family is…

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5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.

5 Ways to Enjoy a Wonderful Fall Week.

This week has been both icy cold and unseasonably warm, and last night, it was raining (but warm). It seems to me that there are many ways to enjoy the changing season. Here are my top 5. Number 1. Go out into the fresh air. Breath. Saturday was the Opening Day of the Keswick Hunt, and I went to the meet to see them off. It is lovely to be involved in hunting, even as a spectator. Thanks to my…

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Are Vaccine Passports Dangerous?

Are Vaccine Passports Dangerous?

The number of places that still ask for masks to be worn or, worse yet, vaccine passports is shrinking. But it is NOT happening fast enough for me. It causes my heart to race, my blood pressure to rise, and my mind to fill with what I would like to say to them. There are so many false reasons why these people are suffering from fear. They are anguished and suffering for nothing. Terrified by lies and propaganda that they…

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Drinking: Should You Do It?

Drinking: Should You Do It?

Alcohol is a tricky subject. A young person I know is having a tough time because he has Mono and is not supposed to drink. The reason this is a problem is that he is at college. Drinking is pretty much part of going to college unless you are a Mormon. This situation made me think of how much the culture of drinking has changed. The generation who grew up just after prohibition ended drank a lot. They often had…

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Do you still trust your doctor?

Do you still trust your doctor?

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”~George Orwell A man I know had what he believed to be the beginning of a blood clot in his leg. He had been very sedentary and taken an automobile ride last 4 or 5 hours without moving his leg. When he woke up the following day, the leg was very sore, red, and swollen. The skin was hot and tight to the touch….

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We Are Adults Now.

We Are Adults Now.

“We Are Adults Now.” We have grown up. We are adults now. We must learn to take responsibility for ourselves. We need to understand that our emotional intelligence is in our hands, no one else’s. Our health and our outlook on life are solely our own responsibility. Why do people expect someone else to save them? That is not only an unrealistic expectation, but it sets us up for being manipulated by unscrupulous characters, often the government itself. “Governments do…

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The Secret Life of a Grandmother

The Secret Life of a Grandmother

I have been waiting impatiently for the 30th of June to arrive so that I could go to a luncheon I had been invited to. Yet on the actual day of the party, I forgot. Is this old age? Or is it the various distractions of my life many of which were unplanned but often very pleasant? I am distraught to have missed the luncheon. An author of a historical novel asked other authors to come to enjoy each other’s…

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What Happened to Freedom?

What Happened to Freedom?

When you abandon freedom to achieve security, you lose both and deserve neither.Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin said similarly: Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Freedom of speech is the liberty I hold dearest, but speech is being censored day in and day out everywhere. If an organization is not censoring them, many people self censor. They are careful what they say for fear of people or institutions demanding…

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