Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fear! It is the new way to control you! The fear that inculcates almost everyone these days is inconceivable to me. Where did it come from? I think it was organized and planned many years ago. The fear has made people segregate out the unvaccinated as if they were lepers. It’s a way of also separating out the non-compliant. It’s actually a brilliant way of discovering who is likely to go along and who will refuse. Of course, they managed…

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I Miss My Mother!

I Miss My Mother!

Today I lay down on my mothers’ bed. I looked at the ceiling beams, which is what she would have seen at the end. Tears rolled down my cheeks because two years ago, Mother died on this day. November 18th, 2019, at 7:05 am. in this room in this house. It is time for me to go back home to Charlottesville, VA. But…I miss my mother on the anniversary of her death. Two years have slipped by, during which everyone…

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A Day at the Races!

A Day at the Races!

Montpelier Races! They are the only races held at the property of a historic home, in this case, the house of James Madison. He was, among other things, the 4th President of the United States and the father of the Constitution. The property is gorgeous. The autumn drive along secondary back roads in Virginia is breathtaking. The leaves still on trees were vibrantly colored. A clear blue sky with scudding puffs of cloud here and there accompanied me along the…

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When Will You Have Had Enough?

When Will You Have Had Enough?

Today I watched a video with Peter Mark Robinson and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya about how the government is using the police power of the state to crush doctors who do not adhere to the latest line from the Biden administration and Dr Fauci. It is tyrannical and wrong. The government assures us that everyone benefits equally from vaccination. Those who have previously had COVID and already have antibodies are not given the choice. They MUST take the shot. There is…

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Do Something? Or not?

Do Something? Or not?

A funeral of a friend was held at the National Cathedral last Tuesday. The entire church was crowded with mourners; friends and family and those whose lives the deceased touched. It was a beautiful service, true to his ideals and his nature. What a celebration! The Cathedral was full from the front rows to the back. Someone mentioned a figure of 700 souls. Few people whom I know are as well known and also well-liked as this man who died…

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Shout the Truth!

Shout the Truth!

“Sorry, I no longer do virtual anything. This fear of the virus has become a worse plague than the virus ever was. The only way to stop it is to stop participating in any “fear-based” actions such as virtual meetings. If you want to meet in person, fine. I will attend. Otherwise, I will see you when people get their courage back.  Or stop listening to mainstream media propaganda. I miss you all.” The above is my reply to an…

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As Long as We Choose Fear (they have every chance of winning.)

As Long as We Choose Fear (they have every chance of winning.)

The whole world seems to have bought into the lie. And it is a lie. The Pandemic is not a real Pandemic. The death rate is nowhere near serious enough to call this a global pandemic. And of those who died in the United States, there is a huge question about how many supposed Covid deaths were in fact due to Covid. How can any of us trust anything that we see in print or hear on the radio or…

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Where Do You Go?

Where Do You Go?

Where is your “go-to” place? Do you have a special restaurant that you can go to for entertainment and peace at the same time? DeCarlos Restaurant has served the people of Spring Valley for 40 years. It is a charming dark and cozy place that has a staff of people who understand good service. It is easily accessible for those who have difficulty walking. There are no steps to the door to interfere with entry. There seems to be someone…

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There is a Snake in Your Closet!

There is a Snake in Your Closet!

The text came in while I was sitting in my old bedroom in my mothers’ house in Washington DC. The phone rested in my hand. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. A snake hiding in my house in Charlottesville! I scrolled down to a photo of the little critter which my housekeeper sent. It really wasn’t very big. There it was stuck solidly to one of those horrible sticky rectangular mouse traps. Its whole body fits…

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How do you like being upside down?

How do you like being upside down?

The world we live in is absolutely turned upside down. I do NOT understand why it is so hard for people to see this.  But they have been systematically brainwashed with terror. They fear for their lives, literally.  These people often feel that a diagnosis of Covid means a death sentence. I am sorry for them, but at a loss about how to help. Even Bill Mahr https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/bill-maher-democrats-misinformed-coronavirus was shocked at the political divide when it comes to ideas about…

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Tonight we had pizza on the terrace

Tonight we had pizza on the terrace

One of my children asked about anti-body tests. Are they reliable? Some others talked about crazy stories they heard about people not being allowed to attend weddings of friends unless they had the shot. Some frightened friends of parents would not allow them to come into the house without a mask. The stigma against the people who have not had the shot is out of all proportion to the danger. If one did not know better, one would think that…

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Those Were the Days!

Those Were the Days!

One of my children told me recently that they believe the government is their friend and there to help us through the current virus. This child thinks their mother (me) is selfish and stubborn because I do not believe that. It makes me feel somewhat frustrated and a little bit hopeless. There is so much fear of “the virus”. It is pathological. Truly scary, to me, is the idea that a lot of people believe that we as humans are…

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Keeping an Eye on Grandpa, the Terrorist

Keeping an Eye on Grandpa, the Terrorist

Below is a wonderful but alarming article about the fact that those who question the government or the medical mandates are being seen as terrorists. This article was originally published on Intellectual Takeout. Please read it and think about whether this is the way we want our country to think of people like me. By Jeff Minick I’ve just learned I may be a terrorist.            On Aug. 13, the Secretary of Homeland Security issued a…

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Are You in Favor of Segregation?

Are You in Favor of Segregation?

Have you been ostracized from social events yet? Or are you one of those for whom it seems a good idea to ostracize the unvaccinated? Here is an example, part of an email invitation I received this week. “Please note that The Country Club requires all attendees to wear masks while not eating.  Due to the nature of the event, which is centered around socializing for a large group, we can only take vaccinated guests.  Please be prepared to show your…

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Shocking Ignorance About the Virus?

Shocking Ignorance About the Virus?

Someone asked, “What can we do to help people with the virus?” So many people are so scared, they can’t think straight. But they know what you are talking about if you mention the word “Virus”. The one that has escaped (or maybe it was released on purpose) from Wuhan China.In answer to that question of what to do, a friend posted the following: Get a poster board, get a marker, and write:”Early use of hydroxychloroquine,Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin…

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