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Category: Rant

Will We Ever Be Able to Trust the Media, Again?

Will We Ever Be Able to Trust the Media, Again?

This quote is by Henry Kissinger. “It is not a matter what is true that counts but a matter of what is perceived to be true.” This is interesting. It is also terrifying. Why are people just ignoring this?We are living in an age of pure propaganda, and I do not like it. The news is slanted toward the Democrats, but I believe they are also deceived. They are very short-sighted if they think this does not apply to them,…

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Drinking: Should You Do It?

Drinking: Should You Do It?

Alcohol is a tricky subject. A young person I know is having a tough time because he has Mono and is not supposed to drink. The reason this is a problem is that he is at college. Drinking is pretty much part of going to college unless you are a Mormon. This situation made me think of how much the culture of drinking has changed. The generation who grew up just after prohibition ended drank a lot. They often had…

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Have You Been Ostracized?

Have You Been Ostracized?

When will the craziness end? Recently I was told I could not attend a dinner party that I had paid for at a lecture club that I belong to. They still have a rule that you must show proof of vaccine in order to attend. I believe this is wrong, insulting, invasive, and fascist. All along, I have refused to show “my papers” at private events or clubs or anywhere actually. But I thought that craziness was over. It is…

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Do you still trust your doctor?

Do you still trust your doctor?

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”~George Orwell A man I know had what he believed to be the beginning of a blood clot in his leg. He had been very sedentary and taken an automobile ride last 4 or 5 hours without moving his leg. When he woke up the following day, the leg was very sore, red, and swollen. The skin was hot and tight to the touch….

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What Happened to Freedom?

What Happened to Freedom?

When you abandon freedom to achieve security, you lose both and deserve neither.Thomas Jefferson Benjamin Franklin said similarly: Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety. Freedom of speech is the liberty I hold dearest, but speech is being censored day in and day out everywhere. If an organization is not censoring them, many people self censor. They are careful what they say for fear of people or institutions demanding…

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How do you feel about change? The world we all inhabit has changed dramatically since I was a girl.There were a lot more rules of etiquette, manners mattered, and going to church was a virtue. People were addressed as Mr. and Mrs. or Miss, no first names until later, and there was a lot less swearing. There were general fears about war, even epidemics, but no one closed down countries as a result. Skirts used to be a certain length….

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What is a woman? Do you know?

What is a woman? Do you know?

Being a woman is the best. We are so lucky. We have all the advantages and always have. Men want us and need us and protect us and basically revere us. What’s not to like about that? We have such advantages! We don’t have to go down into the basement to discover what “that sound” was! For many everyday scary things men will show us their bravery. It is they who get the snake out of the house, get rid…

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Misinformation or Censorship?

Misinformation or Censorship?

A nurse told me, “Your private doctor does not care about you. They just want to make money. They do NOT care what happens to you.” She was emphatic and she sounded angry. Everyone is on edge, these days. She was adamant that doctors were in it only for the money.This was interesting because she is a nurse at a hospital. Most people I know would say that “hospitals do not care about you. They just want to make money.”…

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How Bad Can It Get?

How Bad Can It Get?

Think about the title of this post. What is your threshold? How much will you put up with? What are you willing to do to stop it? Recently an organization to which I belong sent out an email to the membership about their new policy. The new rule which must be complied with is to show a vaccine passport or failing that, a negative Covid test. You must do this in order to attend their dinners and luncheons from now…

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Last Week I Spoke to a Doctor.

Last Week I Spoke to a Doctor.

It was a social occasion nothing medical. He is one of the best doctors in the United States. He is a cardiac surgeon, and if there is ever any reason for me to have heart surgery, he is my choice of physician. Besides he is super nice, personable, handsome, and popular. However, we disagree about what is happening with Covid. He talked about his Texas hospital being full. When I asked why they don’t treat the virus early, he said…

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Fear! It is the new way to control you! The fear that inculcates almost everyone these days is inconceivable to me. Where did it come from? I think it was organized and planned many years ago. The fear has made people segregate out the unvaccinated as if they were lepers. It’s a way of also separating out the non-compliant. It’s actually a brilliant way of discovering who is likely to go along and who will refuse. Of course, they managed…

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When Will You Have Had Enough?

When Will You Have Had Enough?

Today I watched a video with Peter Mark Robinson and Dr. Jay Bhattacharya about how the government is using the police power of the state to crush doctors who do not adhere to the latest line from the Biden administration and Dr Fauci. It is tyrannical and wrong. The government assures us that everyone benefits equally from vaccination. Those who have previously had COVID and already have antibodies are not given the choice. They MUST take the shot. There is…

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Do Something? Or not?

Do Something? Or not?

A funeral of a friend was held at the National Cathedral last Tuesday. The entire church was crowded with mourners; friends and family and those whose lives the deceased touched. It was a beautiful service, true to his ideals and his nature. What a celebration! The Cathedral was full from the front rows to the back. Someone mentioned a figure of 700 souls. Few people whom I know are as well known and also well-liked as this man who died…

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Shout the Truth!

Shout the Truth!

“Sorry, I no longer do virtual anything. This fear of the virus has become a worse plague than the virus ever was. The only way to stop it is to stop participating in any “fear-based” actions such as virtual meetings. If you want to meet in person, fine. I will attend. Otherwise, I will see you when people get their courage back.  Or stop listening to mainstream media propaganda. I miss you all.” The above is my reply to an…

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As Long as We Choose Fear (they have every chance of winning.)

As Long as We Choose Fear (they have every chance of winning.)

The whole world seems to have bought into the lie. And it is a lie. The Pandemic is not a real Pandemic. The death rate is nowhere near serious enough to call this a global pandemic. And of those who died in the United States, there is a huge question about how many supposed Covid deaths were in fact due to Covid. How can any of us trust anything that we see in print or hear on the radio or…

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