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Category: Politics

What is Identity-Independent Individuality?

What is Identity-Independent Individuality?

This country was founded on the rights of the INDIVIDUAL. First and foremost we have the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Each of us, not some group, but each individual person in this country has that right. We are so driven by Identity Politics these days. It is everywhere. Who are you? Who am I? I am a Scottish American, white, heterosexual, sis-gender female, older than dirt, and politically Libertarian, Spiritual rather than conventionally religious. Do…

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Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

Cancel Culture has gone far enough.

The past happened. It was real. Women were chattel. Children had no rights. There were no Child Protective Services. (Was that a good thing or a bad thing?) There were few safety nets for those who fell on hard times. Life could be brutal. People had slaves, traded human beings like horses or cattle. It sounds awful to us today. Yet 250 ago, slavery was still practiced everywhere. It was not only in the New World but universal. And so…

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This once brave country full of individualists and adventurers has become compliant and afraid. Or rather, they are compliant because they are afraid. It has been the most successful Psy Op in history. More effective than Hilter’s demonizing Jews, more effective than Gandhi forcing the British Empire to let India go. More effective than Martin Luther King speaking of his “Dream.” It reminds me of most of the Red Chinese taking over a once powerful and magnificent country and re-educating…

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How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

How Do You Think History Will Judge Cancel Culture?

I appreciate feedback so much! Whether favorable or otherwise. Recently a young friend sent me this reply after I invited her to subscribe to my blog: Dear Bonnie, I received your invitation to your blog. Thank you for sharing, it’s so important to feel connected these days!  I respect your desire to share your voice and experience with the world. It’s brave in a way, but also deeply problematic.  I checked it out and have to say I disagree with…

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Protest? Why not, they do it all the time!

Protest? Why not, they do it all the time!

To me, storming the capitol was about so much more than an election. We have been pushed to the limit. We have been disparaged and disregarded and laughed at for our “old-fashioned values” and our Patriotism. When have conservatives protested? When? We don’t do that. It is not our style. Ever since Barrack Hussein Obama was elected to the office of President, Democrats have protested nonstop about one thing or another. Once Donald Trump was elected, they went into a…

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Are you Scared? Why aren’t you? (good for you if you aren’t)

Are you Scared? Why aren’t you? (good for you if you aren’t)

The restrictions people accept as “Laws” are becoming more and more onerous. We the “People” MUST do something to combat the total erosion of our Freedom. Why are people not concerned? The answer is that they are terrified. I speak to people like this daily. They are intelligent and sensible people, many of whom I have known for YEARS. They tell me that people are dying of COVID, and they do not want to be dead. But they are confusing…

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What do you think?

What do you think?

When events seem discombobulated and people feel disoriented, it interferes with the energy surrounding us. On the day after an election with no clear winner, it is good to be older, wiser, and calmer. And that is certainly true for me.I remember the first election for which I was old enough to vote. I was passionate about it. It seemed to be the most critical thing in the world. If my candidate lost, the country as we knew it would…

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There are two types of people. Which one are you?

There are two types of people. Which one are you?

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who think the government is doing things in their best interests and those who think. We are in a fight to the death. Are you one of those who think? What are you prepared to do about it? Are you able to separate the propaganda that seems to be ubiquitous from the truth they have suppressed? ?There has been an attempted coup. A group of people tried very hard to…

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Do You Dare Fly the Flag?

Do You Dare Fly the Flag?

September 2, 2020 Recently someone posted a question on Facebook. The question was “Would you fly an American flag in your yard?” My answer was an assured YES! Do you have a flag flying in your yard? Do you have any doubts or reservations about flying the flag publicly? Almost as long as I can remember, there has been a flag flying in front or back of the house. No matter where or whatever house in which I lived.As a…

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No Systemic Racism. It Simply Is Not True.

No Systemic Racism. It Simply Is Not True.

This is a message I received from a school, which I won’t name: “Following our listening forums with Black alumni and families and similar sessions with other alumni and families of color, we continue our series…Forums for White Students, Families, and Alumni.” The horrific police shooting on Sunday of Jacob Blake makes clear that these forums and the work of our Task Force on Racism, Understanding, and Belonging are all the more imperative. We aim to gather perspectives, experiences, and…

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It is Blackmail

It is Blackmail

There is a message that should go to all clubs, organizations, schools, outdoor venues and of course, churches. You are being blackmailed! One can’t help but notice how all clubs, organizations, venues et c. as well as practically everyone else, have just capitulated and given in to Big Brother over masks and social distancing.  It horrifies those of us who understand what is happening. In a hundred different ways, we have all given up our freedom to the “powers that…

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The Dinner Roll

The Dinner Roll

Dinner at the White House – a parable I borrowed this because I believe it is so important to remember. This was written about President Obama. It seems especially pertentent now.Bonnie B. Matheson by Richard Gleaves Once upon a time, I was invited to the White House for a private dinner with the President. I am a respected businessman, with a factory that produces memory chips for computers and portable electronics. There was some talk that my industry was being…

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I Will Find a Way or Make One

I Will Find a Way or Make One

Holton-Arms School is my Alma Mater. Miss Lurton and Miss Brown were my first mentors, and they were admirable women. I revered them and tried to live a life of which they would have approved. When I went back to college at 50 to get my BA in psychology, it made me smile to think of how Miss Brown would feel. She would be happy to know I did this at last, late in life. Of course, now I realize…

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