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Tag: fear

Are You in Favor of Segregation?

Are You in Favor of Segregation?

Have you been ostracized from social events yet? Or are you one of those for whom it seems a good idea to ostracize the unvaccinated? Here is an example, part of an email invitation I received this week. “Please note that The Country Club requires all attendees to wear masks while not eating.  Due to the nature of the event, which is centered around socializing for a large group, we can only take vaccinated guests.  Please be prepared to show your…

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Shocking Ignorance About the Virus?

Shocking Ignorance About the Virus?

Someone asked, “What can we do to help people with the virus?” So many people are so scared, they can’t think straight. But they know what you are talking about if you mention the word “Virus”. The one that has escaped (or maybe it was released on purpose) from Wuhan China.In answer to that question of what to do, a friend posted the following: Get a poster board, get a marker, and write:”Early use of hydroxychloroquine,Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin…

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What Scares You Most? The Lies or the Virus?

What Scares You Most? The Lies or the Virus?

COVID-19 dominates the news. It feels like the end of the world. Surely we will all die if we don’t listen to the authorities. We are in such danger from each other that we need to avoid people. Be frightened of your grandchildren, and grandchildren be terrified of “killing” your grandparents. What a terrible idea that is. Family is so important we must not ignore its importance in the face of a threat that is way over-hyped. We are supposedly…

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We are Not Afraid! (of research or anything else)

We are Not Afraid! (of research or anything else)

A huge rift has developed in the way people think of masks, vaccines, and social distancing in this second spring of what the government calls the “Pandemic”. There are those who question authority about mask-wearing and those who believe in wearing masks and taking vaccines. Only the unmasked, un-vaccinated know that they are safe. They believe in their own immune systems. They believe the disease is treatable, especially if the person who contracts it is treated immediately. While the believers…

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Was it really a pandemic? You decide.

Was it really a pandemic? You decide.

“They actually changed the definition of “pandemic,” removing the requirement of mass casualties, and if it wasn’t for that, COVID-19 simply would not qualify as a pandemic.” Quoted from Naomi Wolf on Dr Mercolas podcast. There is a private school in Miami that is actively “anti-mask, anti-vax” and it is causing quite a stir.  The people who believe in masks are often also the people who believe in vaccines. They are often the same people who believe in government as…

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This once brave country full of individualists and adventurers has become compliant and afraid. Or rather, they are compliant because they are afraid. It has been the most successful Psy Op in history. More effective than Hilter’s demonizing Jews, more effective than Gandhi forcing the British Empire to let India go. More effective than Martin Luther King speaking of his “Dream.” It reminds me of most of the Red Chinese taking over a once powerful and magnificent country and re-educating…

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You are not a Victim!

You are not a Victim!

You are not a victim! You are not powerless. Despite the media, the classroom, and many best-selling books plying the public with tales of victimhood, it is not the truth. We all have the ability to rise above our circumstances, no matter how horrid. It has been proven over and over in the past. During the last century, the words of hope from people who were in hopeless situations were abundant. They populate the writings of people who survived concentration…

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Christmas 2020 as it barrels towards us.

Christmas 2020 as it barrels towards us.

Christmas is something you carry inside your heart. It does not depend on presents or carols or exceptional food, but all of those things help intensify the feelings of “Good Will Towards Men.” However, it is a time for gathering together. It is a time for Christmas Eve church service attended by the whole family. Time for relatives to fly into town and meet up with their cousins. A joyous time for reunions and bonding with family. So many people…

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Are you Scared? Why aren’t you? (good for you if you aren’t)

Are you Scared? Why aren’t you? (good for you if you aren’t)

The restrictions people accept as “Laws” are becoming more and more onerous. We the “People” MUST do something to combat the total erosion of our Freedom. Why are people not concerned? The answer is that they are terrified. I speak to people like this daily. They are intelligent and sensible people, many of whom I have known for YEARS. They tell me that people are dying of COVID, and they do not want to be dead. But they are confusing…

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Almost everyone gets well.

Almost everyone gets well.

A friend of mine got the COVID-19 virus. He was very ill. He was in hospital for some time. It is taking him a long time to recover. I am so glad that he is getting better all the time. It is terrible that he, of all people, got a bad case of the virus. He writes of his fear of infecting others. He speaks of the virus as if it were a fatal illness for almost anyone who catches…

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What do you think?

What do you think?

When events seem discombobulated and people feel disoriented, it interferes with the energy surrounding us. On the day after an election with no clear winner, it is good to be older, wiser, and calmer. And that is certainly true for me.I remember the first election for which I was old enough to vote. I was passionate about it. It seemed to be the most critical thing in the world. If my candidate lost, the country as we knew it would…

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Are you terrified? Stop it! You are scaring the children.

Are you terrified? Stop it! You are scaring the children.

EVERYONE takes chances every day. Getting into a car is dangerous. When did we become so scared? Don’t watch Television. It is a colossal brain-washing operation. These “worst-case scenarios” are MEANT TO PARALYZE people with fear. DO NOT FALL FOR IT. Please get back into life. Keep your own health good. Watch your OWN immune system. Stop trying to “fix it” for everyone else. You are causing a disaster for so many by your fear. Get the country up and…

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