Bonnie’s Blog
Bonnie B. Matheson
- Winnie, My Wonder Horseby Bonnie B Matheson“There is nothing better for the inside of a man than the outside of a horse.” This quote variously attributed to Henry Ward Beecher, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Lord Palmerston, and even Winston Churchill. My father bought me a pony when I was two and a half. When I was nine, he bought me a large pony and I began riding out through the countryside with other children my age and a bit older. We had no hard hats and no…
- Our Mighty Oak Tree is Fallenby Bonnie B MathesonUnderoak is no more. The Oak Tree fell over last Friday. There was not much left of it. We cut all the branches off of it years ago, even before my mother died, so this final fall was just the last small step in its demise. I grew up under that tree. My parents bought the house in 1941. It was named “Underoak” because of the tree. My father was from Texas, and trees meant a lot to him. When…
- A Relaxing Birthday Retreat at Jefferson Bathsby Bonnie B MathesonMy daughter decided to celebrate her birthday on February 24th by taking a group of nine women to Bath County to enjoy the Jefferson Baths at Warm Springs and then to The Homestead for lunch. What fun we had! Six of us met at a parking lot for a local club here in Charlottesville and got into a large Jeep belonging to one of my granddaughters. She was our chauffeur down to Warm Springs and beyond. It was relaxing to…
- Does anyone actually doubt there is fraud?by Bonnie B MathesonElan Musk has been asked by the President of the United States to find where the missing money has gone. He has been asked to trim the amount of money spent by the government. He has been given the authority to do this. He was not elected; he was appointed. The “talking heads” on the political Left keep asking for proof of what the DOGE group finds. Why are they asking for this? Do they think that Elon Musk and…
- Anti-vax! Are you one, too?by Bonnie B MathesonDo you know why you believe that you are correct? Whatever you believe, how much research have you done? Do you realize that as early as 1986, they knew there were claims about vaccines causing Autism? They also knew a whole bunch of other sicknesses caused by vaccines. There is a site called, which will educate you about the difference between what actually happened with infectious diseases and what they want you to know. Excellent video with Russell Brand…
- The New Normalby Bonnie B MathesonI am excited (cautiously) that all the things that President Trump was elected to change and “fix” are actually changing and getting fixed. It is extraordinary. And the fact that Democrats and RINOs are crying foul when all this corruption is being uncovered at USAID, for example, really bothers me. It is not a good look for them. Complaining about Elon Musk accessing our social security numbers is silly and uninformed. The fact that anything his team sees is “read-only”…
- Did You Speak to Your Tech Guy?by Bonnie B MathesonAn earlier version of this article was published first on Substack. The other day, just by chance, I looked at old blog posts, going back week by week. There was a specific one that needed to be corrected. When I got to September 2023, I suddenly saw a post I had not put up. It was some gaming site. Then I realized there were 49 separate posts with the same date. I had been hacked! When something like that happens, you have to…
- Friendships, Have You Kept Up?by Bonnie B MathesonFriendships become so much more important as we age. Next to dogs, our friends and families provide the most fun and affection for us. If we have children, they are now older people themselves. Our children have families of their own. They have full lives. If we have siblings we should be thankful since no one else knows us as they do. It thrills me to realize my girls (daughters) are best friends with each other. I really envy them…
- Recap of the Year Bonnie B MathesonSome years are more exciting and uplifting than others. This was a great one! So many positive things happened, and so many people became more aware of the things happening in the world. It has been a year of celebrations, and there are so many good things to mention that it is hard to distill them into a blog post. My youngest child, Murdoch, turned 50 years old. Winter was mild in 2024, and I entertained at small dinners. Though…
- What if there were no men?by Bonnie B MathesonWhat if there was a world suddenly without men? If you write “What if there were no men?” in the search bar on Google, the first page has ten references to different articles on this subject. There have been so many articles written lately about what the world would be like if there were no men. It seems so misogynistic. Men are being disparaged endlessly by today’s feminists. It is a sad commentary since they are the reason we have…
- Family Traditions and How Ours Beganby Bonnie B MathesonCharley’s Kilt If we look back over the years at photos of our Matheson family Thanksgiving celebration, there are kilted men in all the photos, beginning in 1958. People always ask why the men began wearing a kilt at Thanksgiving. It all started during the summer when Charley turned 17 and went on a school trip to Europe. His professor, Mr. Ben Harnley, took Charley and several other boys from Episcopal High School on an educational journey that covered much…
- Should the Evil Ones Be In Jail?by Bonnie B MathesonDr. Fauci Belongs in Jail Dr Fauci belongs in Jail. Because of him, we were threatened, shamed, sworn at, disparaged,canceled, and spit upon (literally). Because of him hundreds of thousands of people died. Dr Fauci said, “You will never shake hands again.” What an evil man. He knew all the time because he was funding the experiments done in the Wuhan lab. Is iteven remotely possible that he believes any of his own hype?Do you think he realizes the number of lives…
- Why Thanksgiving?by Bonnie B MathesonLarge gatherings for Thanksgiving have been a tradition in our family for decades. Thanksgiving has always been my favorite holiday ever since I stopped believing in Santa Claus. Thanksgiving week is coming. I am a bit worried about this Thanksgiving as I have a ton of peoplecoming, and I have to figure out where to put extra tables and chairs. The preparations always used to be somewhat stressful, but I never felt overwhelmed in quite the way that I do these days….
- Toxic or Patriotic, You Bonnie B MathesonHave you heard hateful things about the recent massive rally in New York at Madison Square Garden? People are frightened about the election. Does Donald Trump scare you? It is shocking what is being said by people who were not there and did not watch it on T.V. or computers. People say the rally at Madison Square Garden is a recreation of the 1939 event supporting Hitler. However, not all the uses of this arena are political. The same place…
- Are You Different?by Bonnie B MathesonPeople are different!Our world is really fractured. We don’t know what is real and what is just hype. It seems likethere is even more racial tension and more hate than when I grew up in a true segregationtime. Of course, we are not allowed to tell the truth. The truth is unsavory and definitely not“politically correct.” Black people and white people are different in some ways. Does thatshock you? Italians are different from the French and even more from people…
- A Wes Anderson Wedding is like a Bonnie B MathesonWe were invited to a family wedding last weekend. The “additional information” on the invitation said to dress to a Wes Anderson theme. “Who is that, I asked?” Once my family explained it to me, I forgot all about it. My week before the wedding was so full of social events, it was unusual. Monday, a birthday party for a grandson at his family home, a black tie dinner at Farmington Country Club on Tuesday. Wednesday, I rested. Thursday, there…
- Where will you live when you get Dementia?by Bonnie B MathesonThe other day, a woman sitting next to me at the prayer group I attend asked me a question: “Where will you live when you have dementia?” I thought that was a pretty awful question because nobody wants to mention it. But it made me think. Where will I live if (not when) I get dementia? It is probably too late to get into a retirement community. These places want to have you as early as they can. I absolutely…
- Everyone Should Have a Puppyby Bonnie B MathesonWe have a new puppy! It really is NOT my own puppy. But she lives with my son, so I will be responsible for babysitting when he is away. It all happened this way.My son said, “I am leaving after church to drive to Roanoke to pick up my new puppy.” “Oh! Really?” I asked. He did not give me much “notice” or time to talk him out of it.“Yes,” he told me, “she is the granddaughter of my male dog!…
- Demonic Forces Existby Bonnie B MathesonThe entire Democrat party seems oblivious to the evil in their own party while constantly pointing out Trump’s well-documented flaws. Yes, we know he is a narcissist and that he speaks in weird sentences at a third-grade level. So what? He has already been president, and I think he did a great job. When people say, “We must NOT let him become President.” I remind them that he already was.Considering that he is NOT a politician (one of his best…
- The Truth About Covidby Bonnie B MathesonThis article by Justin Hart is so important that I am copying it here for you to read. People really need to focus on what has happened in order to try to avoid future scenarios like it. We are in a war of wits. Keep yours sharp, pay attention, and do not be fooled or afraid. Enjoy this compact description below: The Truth About Covid Justin Hart <> I’m not sure how to tell you this – but they’re lying…
- The Last Partyby Bonnie B MathesonIn 1981, my son, Charley Matheson, graduated from Episcopal High School. It was a momentous occasion for us. We were not sure until the day before graduation that Charley would receive his diploma. There was a problem with a Russian exam. He almost failed it. The Russian teacher, who really liked Charley and knew how hard he had worked, had a heartattack just before the exam. Charley’s was a “makeup” exam. A different person did thegrading. It was a cliffhanger….
- Mother of Boys 13 Months Apart!by Bonnie B MathesonYears ago, I used to listen to my two younger boys, yelling and screaming outside near ourwonderful, magical house, called Heathfield. The sounds scraped on my nerves like chalk ona blackboard. There was no peace to be had with that cacophony of escalating soundsfiltered only slightly by the stucco walls of our house. My heart sank, knowing I must go outthere to check. I had to see whether they were just playing or actually drawing blood in theirrough games. Even…
- Does Pretending You Understand Modern Art Make You Feel Good?by Bonnie B MathesonModern Art is a psy opp. It was planned and engineered by the CIA. These records are available now. Of course, the theory is deeply controversial. The cult of modern art supporters is tenacious and terrified of being “outed.”Yet art is still in thrall to these weird beliefs about what it is. Do you know the definition of the word “thrall”? Here it is from “a person who is morally or mentally enslaved by some power, influence, or the…
- Things to Ponder Over Eightyby Bonnie B MathesonWhen my mother reached the age of 80, we thought little of it. Of course, she was older, but so what? She did not look it, and she was happy. She was in love with a childhood sweetheart whom she married at 81. Mother never mentioned much about aging to me. She was interested in her clothes, the jewels that matched them, her dogs, her friends, and her family.She was a happy person who rarely ever complained about her own…
- Want a Refund? Good Luck!!!!by Bonnie B MathesonI had a terrible relationship with my refrigerator! (and Samsung, the company thatmade it). Originally, it worked just fine and I loved it. However, just before Mother’s Day it suddenly began to make a strange sound. Not a good sound. On a Friday evening, the 6th of May. I asked my son to look at it and he pulled the heavy silver metal box out from the wall. We swept and vacuumed behind it. He unplugged it and plugged it…
- All’s Well, That Ends Bonnie B MathesonThe rest of the story about my foot. People really do not like to see other people deviate from the norm. I found this out recently when I hurt my foot. It may or may not have some broken bones. The injury is on the inside of the left side of my left foot. My foot is completely black and blue on the bottom left side. I have decided not to get an X-ray. My foot is much better today….
- Things Can Change In An Instantby Bonnie B MathesonHealth is everything. Normally, I am completely healthy. That changed on Sunday night when I had a fall. I was climbing up two steps in the garden at a friend’s dinner party. We had been having drinks and chatting about the affairs of the world, which are staggering these days. When it was time to go to the lovely outdoor table, I rose from my chair and walked with the other guests to the two steps leading up to the…
- Mistakes Were NOT Madeby Bonnie B MathesonThis title was inspired by Margaret Anna Alice Through the Looking Glass. Her poem of the same name has gone viral. We simply must pay more attention to what is all around us. People are so complacent about the very situation they are in. It seems normal, but much of what we do today is completely new and would have once been thought of as insane. We have become a people who choose safety over freedom. We need to…
- What Did Reporters Who Cover The White House Know?by Bonnie B MathesonHere is an article by Alex Berenson that is so great I want to try to spread it around. Everyone should read this and ponder the questions he asks. Do you believe the Press is telling you the honest truth? Enjoy: Subscribe here for Alex Berenson What did reporters who cover the White House know, and when did they know it? As President Biden lurches toward a withdrawal from the 2024 election that seems likelier by the hour, the question…
- Are Old-Fashioned Ideas About God, Country, Family, and the Golden Rule Gone for Good?by Bonnie B MathesonFor most of my life, I have wondered why the Germans acted as they did between the warsand, of course, in the time immediately before the war. Why and how did they idolize Hitler,who promised to Make Germany Great Again? And how they could just pretend it was all rightto exclude Jews from their lives and, in fact, get rid of them.How was it possible?I never could understand it until I experienced what happened during Covid.People gave up their autonomy…
- Lunch with a Friendby Bonnie B MathesonWhat is more fun than a long lunch with an old friend? Recently, I had the pleasure of spending most of the day with an old friend from my schooldays. We met at Peking, a Chinese restaurant, but we both arrived early before it opened. So, I gotinto her car, and we chatted for 20 minutes, with the windows down and a small breezekeeping us from sweating too much as the sun beat down on her automobile, until we sawthem…
- An Entertaining Weekendby Bonnie B MathesonPeople sometimes ask me what I do all day. Last Saturday night, I had a party. It was very successful, and I was pleased. It was a last minute decision and those are often the best! On Thursday night, when I was on the phone with a friend, I said, “Why don’t you come over here for dinner on Saturday night? Maybe I’ll have another couple of people over.”My friend said she’d check with her boyfriend, but she thought the…
- Grace’s weddingby Bonnie B MathesonThe newest wedding might have been the best one yet!! Our family has had two weddings within six weeks. That is a huge burden on a family. But my daughter Helen and her wonderful husband, David, were up to the task. Both of them are remarkably unflappable. If they feel anxiety, it is well hidden from me. Grace’s wedding was special to me because I have always known she was one of those people who (like me) wanted to be…
- Such a lovely shower!by Bonnie B MathesonIt was calm, sedate, and pleasant for the guests. The room was lovely. The pale blue walls,with white plaster decorative touches, gave guests a feeling of peace.This peace surrounded me and filled me with loving thankfulness. After the morning I had justspent going to a graduation in the rain at UVA, it was a blessed relief. It had poured all nighton Friday and drizzled all Saturday morning. It was pretty unpleasant, but I was with agranddaughter, Delilah, trying to find…
- Graduation! Once again, on The Lawn…by Bonnie B MathesonToday, I went to UVA’s graduation for the Class of 2024, which included mygranddaughter, Georgina. Of course, I went. But when I woke up this morning and saw that it was raining, Ithought about skipping the part at “The Lawn.” The forecast was for rain tocontinue all day. Well, it did continue, but I went anyway. Two of my other grandchildren had spent the night at my house, and we allwent out to dinner with the graduate and her parents…
- Hurry Up and Get Married!by Bonnie B MathesonI realize as I write this that I am speaking into the winds of change that have already swept the country. My voice echoes and becomes indistinguishable with that fierce gale, blowing our country away from its values. The subject of my futile attempt to awaken people is the total lack of morality today. A complete turnaround from the 1950s when I was growing up. Today, it is considered modern to sleep around. There is no shame in losing one’s…
- Mah Jongg, Do You Play?by Bonnie B MathesonBuilding brain cells occupies my mind these days. As the years take their toll, it behooves us to find exercises for our mind, body, and spirit. I love a challenge, but I know my limits to some degree. For instance, learning a new language is far down my list, as I have never had much luck with that. Now, I have discovered Mah Jongg. And it is exactly like learning a new language! But it’s more fun for me because…
- Do You Cry At Weddings?by Bonnie B MathesonI learned on Saturday that I no longer cry when I hear wedding vows between a young woman and a young man. Age has made me wiser, calmer, and more realistic. Weddings are so beautiful and moving; women love them. While most men seem to wish they could avoid going altogether. Marriage is full of ups and downs. Some are so small you barely notice, and others are as strong as earthquakes. I believe in Marriage. Taking Marriage vows is…
- EASTER!by Bonnie B MathesonHe is Risen! Easter is the most important religious holiday for Christians. But I did not go to church on Easter. This made me feel momentarily guilty, but on the other hand, my gratitude to my Higher Power was demonstrated differently. Family! Ours is large and boisterous and full of love for each other. Not everyone is so blessed. It seems to me that gathering those relatives together to celebrate Easter is undoubtedly the right spirit to have. We are…
- Are You a Fish Out of Water?by Bonnie B MathesonThere is a story about a teacher who took a live fish out of its bowl of water, and then left it on the desk. The teacher told the children they would be expelled if anyone left their seat. Then he left the room. The poor fish gasped and twisted with a classroom of children watching, as it flopped around…All of the children sat and watched as the fish struggled, gasping for life, wanting to be back in the water….
- Is Your Telephone Ringing?by Bonnie B MathesonOne of my earliest memories is of my mother sitting in the chair next to her bed and holdingthe black receiver of the telephone. I heard her say, “Operator, I need “Long Distance” can you get me a Leesburg Virginia number ….” Leesburg was less than forty miles away. But it was a long distance, andit was the operator who made all long-distance calls. If the call was far away, the operatorwould call you back when she got the connection….
- Do You Winter in Florida?by Bonnie B MathesonIn the late 1940s, when our family was still pretty young, my parents rented a house inDelray Beach, Florida. Every winter for three years, we would go down there for six weeksand stay in a magical house owned by the “mysterious” Dr. Koch (more about him later).The house was directly on the water, a few miles from town. There were no neighbors oneither side.The house was built in the style of the famous Addison Mizner, who designed houses in theSpanish…
- Stop Allowing Cancer to Frighten Youby Bonnie B MathesonCancer! The word is terrifying. Cancer is on the rise. And the medical establishment plays on our fears. A friend of mine asked her doctor about using an “alternative” treatment. Her doctor told her that he would no longer be her doctor if she opted to use the alternative treatment. That is blackmail. She was forced to choose. She is dead now. But she chose the doctor and his protocol. My friend fought pancreatic cancer for two years before she…
- How My Mother Met My Fatherby Bonnie B MathesonMy mother, Ruth Elizabeth Hale, liked men. She had a great desire for admiration. She feltit was necessary as a young person to have a boyfriend to enjoy life. And she was a magnetfor members of the opposite sex. Men adored her. Mother’s first real love affair was with a man named Edward Wheeler. His father was asenator, and a friend of my mother’s father, my grandfather. Mother’s father liked thefamily. When they began their relationship, my mother was 17,…
- Do You Make Small Changes?by Bonnie B MathesonCharacter is built by making small decisions every day. There is no BIG decision that does it. Changing anything about oneself is difficult. Benjamin Franklin did it and he is much admired. Of course he was a genius which probably helped. Still it is often desirable to make changes. Stopping a bad habit like smoking or drinking could be the change you need. Or it might be organizational skills or time management that you are after. The point is that…
- We Were So Powerful!by Bonnie B MathesonWe were so powerful before they told us we were victims. In past centuries, women always knew that they were the powerful ones in the equation. They passed this knowledge down to their daughters. The men were stronger and faster and more bold. However, between women and men, women had the power, and the men knew it. Without us, there would be no human race. We had the babies. There was a saying; “The hand that rocks the cradle rules…
- Do You Believe Donald Trump Is a Monster?by Bonnie B MathesonSomeone put up a meme about a whole field of sheep all wearing red MAGA hats as far as the eye can see . And the sheep were all raptly listening to a wolf dressed up in a sheepskin. The implication was that Donald Trump is the wolf and his “followers” are the sheep. After seeing the meme, I wrote; “That is funny!!! I see the humor. It is OK to make jokes about each other. But, seriously, Trump supporters…
- Is Decency Considered Offensive?by Bonnie B MathesonThe other day, while looking for a sweet movie to watch with my youngest grandson, a suggestion popped up that interested me: “That Touch of Mink.” I knew it was not something my grandson would enjoy. But, I am a Cary Grant fan, and my curiosity was aroused. My memory of that movie was pleasant but vague. Then, I noticed a warning in the description of the movie. It said, “This film reflects the standards, language, and attitudes of its…
- Summing up 2023by Bonnie B MathesonWhat a year it has been! I am so happy living here in Charlottesville, VA. My children say it is my “reward.” It is, in some ways, the best time of my life. Isn’t it strange how that works out? I will be 82 in January, and that number shocks me. I once thought that was old. And, of course, it is ancient to my grandchildren. Even my own children worry about me in a way they never appeared to…
- Christmas Plans!!!by Bonnie B MathesonChristmas decorating is fun. But it is also frustrating; lights work, and then they don’t. Find the ones you like and then realize you need another length of that type. In order to find them, you may have to go to Walmart, Target, and Lowes; You can also order online. I have done all of those. I could write a whole post about the sort of help I got in those stores. Some salespeople were above and beyond and so…
- Clothes Are Different These Days!by Bonnie B MathesonChristmas shopping gets me out to the stores. Typically, except for the food markets, some Amish markets, or “Southern States,” I just do not shop. I have enough clothes to last me the rest of my life. But at Christmas, I think of my daughters and daughters-in-law, my nine granddaughters, and a granddaughter-in-law. It is fun, but I am lost out there. Thank goodness! My family is pretty conservatively dressed, much of the time. Clothes do not look the same…
- (a must read)”I’m Embarrassed, too.”by Bonnie B MathesonGuest Blog (a must read) by Susan Page Coffee. She has said this better than I ever could. I publish it with her permission, Bonnie B Matheson. I’m Embarrassed, too. by Susan Page Coffee Are you proud to be an American? Several Georgetown University coeds answered in an informal campus interview that no, they were not proud, and that they even found…
- Do You Like to Travel?by Bonnie B MathesonI really do NOT like to travel. It used to be fun, but that is no longer true for me. The elegance, the service, and the striking differences between countries all seem to have fallen out of favor. Being treated with care and respect as a valued guest only happens in very special places. At other times, we are treated like cattle. Pushed into holding cells, ticketed, frisked, and examined by Xray, our irises checked against impersonation; the whole experience…
- Thanksgiving! The Best Holiday!by Bonnie B MathesonWell, it is over now. But it was a massive success. There were 25 of us celebrating in my lovely house near Charlottesville, VA. I thought there were only 22 people to seat. However, when writing the place cards, I discovered that I had miscounted. There were 24 relatives who accepted. Ok. I put two extra places at each end of the larger dinner table. When the day arrived, the first guest at the door was Elias, my oldest grandchild….
- Guest Blog Post from Patricia McCarthyby Bonnie B MathesonOctober 26, 2023 Joe Biden has blown up the world By Patricia McCarthy “It does not take a majority to prevail but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” —Samuel Adams On day one of the Biden administration, he canceled the Keystone Pipeline, putting thousands of skilled workers out of work. Over the ensuing months, he canceled oil leases, stopped fracking, and drained our strategic oil reserve. All this was surely intentional; he means to…
- Want to Learn How to Make a Small Fortune?by Bonnie B MathesonThe Story of How We Began to Drive Horses, Spend a Lot of Money, and Make Great Memories. Charley and I got the idea of learning to drive for pleasure after our children stayed with their grandparents in Newport, RI. It happened that “A Weekend of Coaching” was brought back to the resort in the summer of 1968. The children stayed with my parents, who owned a Newport Cottage on Bellevue Avenue. How perfect. When we saw the photos, we…
- Christmas lies. Do You Spread Them?by Bonnie B MathesonMy parents lied to my sister, brother, and me. Their very own children, they lied to us about so many things. Do you lie to your children? It is such fun. I am guilty, too. Of course, it is so heartwarming to make Christmas a magical time for your kids. I did it. My husband read The Night Before Christmas to the children before we hung the stockings. We left cookies and milk for Santa when we hung the stockings….
- As Things Stand, Look Up!by Bonnie B MathesonSo much has happened in the last few days…Why do “they” want to push us toward war? Our government is shoving us all into the jaws of war. Is it so they can keep their power? Now that we have started making political arrests, “the powers that be” need to stay in power forever. They know that if they are unseated, they themselves may be indicted. The rules of the game are changing. It is inconceivable to me, and yet,…
- Working Girls, Are You One?by Bonnie B MathesonMost women did not work when I was growing up. Today, this seems too strange to be true, especially to young women. Having to work was not a good thing, not a desirable state. Only about 30% of women worked outside of the home in 1950. Women were happier at home. They took time to make their homes a haven, to garden, to arrange flowers, and to cook good meals. ( They were always healthy because the markets were not…
- Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccinationby Bonnie B MathesonImportant article by Jennifer Margulis Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors Jennifer Margulis Sep 9, 2023 A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated. On October 20, 2022, Melissa, who herself is a registered nurse, took her baby to the pediatrician. Baby Sawyer had a rash around his torso that just wouldn’t go…
- OTHERS SAY IT BEST!by Bonnie B Matheson“Curiosity is the purest form of insubordination.—Vladimir Nabokov Here is a collection of quotes from well-known people who describe what is happening accurately and succinctly. I could elaborate, but it seems redundant. I hope you will read each of these quotes and then pause a moment to reflect on their truth. Try to clear your mind of the fear and colorful propaganda that is beamed at you from the TV screen. “It is difficult to get a man to understand…
- What Are You Willing To Do?by Bonnie B MathesonIt is unbelievable how easily one adjusts to living in City conditions. When I moved to Washington, DC, to care for my mother, I got used to it quickly. Yet when I moved out to the country near a much smaller city, Charlottesville, I began to change. I don’t crave the city vibe. I do not care for the traffic or the tension of looking for parking and then paying for it. Locking everything up and looking over your shoulder…
- It is Time to Stop the Bonnie B MathesonEvery day, I receive many, many solicitations for money from Republicans. They all say it is my duty to help them, or they catastrophize events that are happening. They are tiresome. I rarely write back. But today I wrote to Jim Johnson, who is a good guy. (Maybe) “Why don’t Republicans fight for me? Start with election integrity!” “Then stand behind President Trump and denounce Biden. And get those Jan. 6th prisoners out of jail! Why don’t you all admit…
- Engagements!by Bonnie B MathesonTwo of my granddaughters announced their engagements this summer. So exciting!!! Daisy is going to marry Steve Luck. Would you believe me if I tell you that Grace is going to marry Gil Luck? But these two men with the same last name are NOT related. Both men proposed to each granddaughter within a couple of weeks of each other. Stories about how men proposed to women flood the Internet. Would you like to know what happened between me and…
- Summer vacation, Dude Ranch!by Bonnie B MathesonWyoming is addictive. Where we were, a 360-degree view of infinite space, breathtaking and nearly indescribable, filled my heart with joy. When driving from Denver (6 hours!),the dramatic rock formations come one after another. As we got closer to our destination, the land became more and more spectacular. Unfortunately, this was not visible at the time. For one thing, it was nighttime. Visibility was near zero due to a storm of fierce wind, heavy rain, and jagged lightning followed by…
- What Are You; Boy or Girl?by Bonnie B MathesonAre you a boy or a girl? There are only two sexes. That is the Science. Same with pronouns…! Pronouns are a gateway drug says Megyn Kelly who once felt comfortable using the gender preferred ones that people requested. She has since awakened to the harm of all this “preferred pronouns” and transgender hype and hysteria. She has a daughter and so she understands the harm that is being done to all young girls during this very strange time in…
- Pay Attention to Me!by Bonnie B MathesonMany years ago, as a young married woman with three children, I found myself visiting many different doctors. Of course, there were the pediatric visits necessary (I thought) when you have very young children. One of my children had terrible earaches, and so we had many visits to the doctor for him. Sadly I gave that child antibiotics over and over during his youth. I did not know better, and apparently, neither did their doctor. However, it is my own…
- Just Write a Blog Post!!!by Bonnie B MathesonThere are so many subjects vital to life that need to be written about. Of course, puppies are the best of all. I could write about my new puppty all day long. However the world is in such turmoil and there are so many things I care about. It is difficult to choose one and focus on it. So here is a post with several subjects. You decide which ones you want to follow up on. Lately, I saw the…
- Congratulations! It Is The 4th of July!by Bonnie B MathesonThis is the time when Americans have celebrated the birth of our nation ever since it actually happened. During the 1940s and 50s, it was without a doubt a family holiday. When I was young it seemed to be a universally happy day in the USA. In the decades since there have been a lot of changes in the narrative and the general attitude about the founding of the country, and whether it should be celebrated. Unfortunately, there are several…
- Censored! Trigger Warning!by Bonnie B MathesonCensorship. Do you approve of it? How can it be a good thing? I do not understand why any American would defend it. The more you know, the more you know. Isn’t that the goal? Wouldn’t you like to know what the world thinks? What about knowing what your political party thinks and believes? It seems to me that it is even more important to know what your enemies or opposition think or believe. Even complete fanatics don’t need to…
- Never Say Neverby Bonnie B MathesonHave you ever decided that you are finished with a sport or an exercise because it was no longer convenient? Or maybe you felt too old to do it anymore. You gave it up as an intelligent thing to do. Many people probably have done this. Have you said, “I will never do this again?” I am here to tell you that maybe you need to rethink it. Almost 20 years ago, I gave up riding because my horse bowed…
- Enough About My Bonnie B MathesonThis is all about me! and my hair… First of all, it is NOT curly like Shirley Temples’s hair was. And it is not blond. These facts disappointed my mother. This lack of perfection was a constant problem in my life. It was something I tried to overcome, by learning to be me. When I was born I had a full head of thick, black hair. You could clip a bow in it, and even style it a bit. My…
- Graduation! Congratulations!by Bonnie B MathesonWaiting on the lawn at UVA to watch my granddaughter graduate all of us were filled with anticipation. This was a real triumph for her because she had a rocky final year of high school. But she persevered and went, first, to Piedmont Community College for two years where she earned great grades. She then completed her degree with two years of study at UVA. We are so proud of her because she has true “grit” and a will to…
- Did You Ever Fall in Love with a Pony?by Bonnie B MathesonPeanut Butter the pony I was ten years old, and he was the love of my life: Peanut Butter, a palomino pony who was exactly 14.2 hands, technically a pony rather than a horse. This meant I could ride in large pony classes in horse shows rather than the regular adult classes. This was supposed to give me a better chance to win, but Peanuts was no show horse! My father knew I wanted to have my pony located in…
- Do Clothes Make the Man (or Woman)?by Bonnie B MathesonPeople used to dress differently. A lot differently. Part of the difference was tradition from an even earlier age, but it was also because they cared about what others thought of how they were dressed. It was somewhat showing off. It was a sign of affluence to have many changes of clothes. In the 1800s, a woman might have only two dresses. One, an everyday dress, and the second, a Sunday ‘go-to-meeting dress.’ To be clean, she would change her…
- Do Something Controversial; Get Married!by Bonnie B MathesonThe idea of getting married is now considered controversial.How did that happen? Two-time Super Bowl champion kicker Harrison Butker of the Kansas City Chiefs delivered a speech to graduates at Georgia Tech on May 6, 2023. He gave this advice: “Get married and start a family”. He said this in reference to finding a way to better people’s lives in this country. Some people cheered when he said it. Some did not. And it has gone viral as a “controversial…
- Well, Let Me Tell You What I Have Found!by Bonnie B MathesonDo you know about Stretch Lab? I was so wrong about them. The name scared me. I have seen the name on a storefront and heard an ad for the place on the radio. Yet each time, I was filled with dread because I have a lot of trouble “stretching.” The very idea is painful. So I was in no way interested in increasing my own stretching. But I did not understand. They need to improve their signage to let…
- Do You Belong to a Hate Group?by Bonnie B MathesonDo you belong to a hate group? Is it a political party, or a group of people whose sexual identity is off-center? Perhaps it is an ethnic group? Race is the sure way to peg someone “different”. What about a religious group, or perhaps it is a group of skeptics who revile other groups who believe differently? Do you know what your group believes about “others”? Or do you just assume that they are open-minded and balanced? Sometimes people find…
- Contentment…What Is Yours?by Bonnie B MathesonMy plants are thirsty. Sometimes it seems they are asking for water by some subliminal method. I feel their thirst and their desire to have me provide water. I supply them readily, soaking the orchids in water and letting them drain for several hours in the sink. None of that “icecube melting” for my orchids, no indeed. The slanting morning sun glints off of several, silver champaign coolers which hold multiple orchids, dyed pastel colors. Slightly sheer but, opaque enough…
- Hope is in the Air, Can You Feel It?by Bonnie B MathesonAs I sit outside on this lovely Spring day, awash with pollen from the many flowering trees and the budding leaves of deciduous trees that are so early to leaf out this year, I ponder. While I sit here in warm sunlight watching my dogs accustom themselves to my new puppy there are hundreds of political prisoners sitting in disgusting, solitary cells in Washington DC. The rules have been changed and the government is holding these men without trial, often…
- After Grieving, a New Puppy!by Bonnie B MathesonOf course, it is too soon. It is way too soon to replace my beloved dog, Magnus. But when you want a new dog they are not always available. So it is best to act immediately if you learn about a good one. And that is what happened. Everyone knew how sad I was to lose Magnus. They wanted to make me happy. “I am happy,” I said. “Magnus was my most demanding dog. He had me running to let…
- RIP Magnus, My Dachshund, My Bonnie B MathesonMy dog Magnus died Saturday night. He seemed fine and was roughhousing with Sisi my small red smooth coated female at 8 o’clock but when I went to let him out before bed he didn’t come. I looked for him and found him dead in my closet stiff and cold. He must have gone in there to die soon after I saw them playing! It is always a shock to lose a dog. And Magnus was such a sweetheart! I…
- From Catastrophe to Success!by Bonnie B MathesonOn the night of my debutante ball, Richard Nixon, who was Vice President, and his wife, Pat, came over early with their two adolescent daughters, Julie and Tricia. They wanted to see the tent and the decorations before the extraordinary debutante party my parents gave for me at Underoak, our beautiful estate. Walter Sharon, the florist, was there, too, working on the flowers. Ridgewells Caterers were setting up for the breakfast to be served later. The “A 1 Tent Company”…
- It All Seemed Perfectly Normal to Bonnie B MathesonTo please my father as well as myself, I became a debutante at several balls in 1960. Glamor and mystique attend the idea of making a debut into society. In fact, my father told me that when I was old enough, he would make sure I was presented at court to the Queen in London. Sadly for him, if not for me, the debutante balls of the court were canceled after the 1958 season.By the 1950s, life was changing in…
- My Little Angel Child!by Bonnie B MathesonWhen I was waiting for my baby to be born, I was Christmas shopping and sending out Christmas cards. I was so late with the cards because I kept thinking the baby would come in time for a photo on the card. NOPE. She was due in late November, but she did not feel like being born yet. In fact, it was three weeks past her due date when she finally arrived on December 19th, a few days before Christmas….
- Are You Controlled By Fear?by Bonnie B MathesonIt is hard to believe that people are still falling for it. But the other day I went to a consignment store that has wonderful things. I noticed a sign on the door saying, “Masks encouraged.” Sure enough, when I went up to the desk, I saw that all three women working there were wearing pointy white paper masks. Of course, they do nothing to protect the wearer from this virus. I guess it is some psychological “fix.” Do they…
- How Do You Feel When Your Child is 60?by Bonnie B MathesonMy Oldest Daughter is Having a Big Birthday this month. Helen Dow Matheson Hilliard was born on February 24, 1963. (just after my 21st birthday ) Second of our children. She was born in Charlottesville, VA at UVA Hospital. Her dad was in the Architecture School at UVA. We were thrilled to have a girl. Our family was complete. A Mom and Dad and two children, a boy and a girl were the ideal in the 1960s. But in fact,…
- Valentine’s Day Reminded Me…by Bonnie B MathesonMarriage. I believe in marriage. When it is good it is very, very good. The day I married Charley remains in my memory one of the happiest days of my life. Walking down that aisle, surrounded by guests seated in the lovely wooden pews. and with every third pew bedecked with a beautiful white rose, and a baby’s breath floral arrangement. The flowers hung on a wrought iron stand– a tall, narrow base– so that they could be easily visible….
- Our Trust in Doctors was Misplacedby Bonnie B MathesonDo you want to live a long and healthy life? If you are taking care of yourself, you should be seeing someone besides a typical “western” doctor. They are not trustworthy and cannot be believed any longer. Many people have lost all faith in them. Do not allow yourself to be sucked into the “system.” See an alternative healer like a chiropractor, naturopath or herbalist. Acupuncture and even hypnosis can heal you without side effects or drug dependency. I opened…
- Murdoch is Good Company!by Bonnie B MathesonHis father used to say this after spending time alone with Murdoch. My son Murdoch is good company. Not rambunctious or argumentative, not boring or scary, not noisy, rude or disruptive, just fun to be around; he is active and athletic, but peaceful and intelligent. The fifth of our children and the last, as it turned out, we may have spoiled him at times. But other times he raised himself. We were busy, and he was so unobtrusive we did…
- Our First Born Son is 61 Todayby Bonnie B MathesonWhen he was born, I was 20 years old. It was thrilling. But I was clueless. I knew nothing about babies. I had never even babysat a child. Everything was new. The first time my pediatrician came to my house, I was embarrassed that I did not know how to change a diaper very well. I was such a baby myself. That was in the days when doctors still did that. And he encouraged me to nurse Charley, saying it…
- Are You Too Old to Learn Something New?by Bonnie B MathesonWhen I was 16 I got my driver’s license. It was one of the greatest days of my life. Freedom. The ability to just go and do it all by myself was like a miracle. Because I was given a car this really was an option. The feeling was thrilling. Empowerment was not a word I had ever heard back then, but it describes how I felt. Empowered. Hurrah! At the height of my ecstasy, it occurred to me that…
- Puppies are Good for the Bonnie B MathesonIt was a cold clear Christmas Eve and we were living at a house we called BonnieBrae. We had not been living there too long, only a few months. We believed we had sold our wonderful farm, Heathfield. It was supposed to go through on January 1 of that year Was it 2000? Or 2001? So we bought another house and moved into it before the actual settlement of the sale of Heathfield. A word to the wise: Don’t ever…
- RIP Mary Bowmanby Bonnie B MathesonWe had dinner every Monday night for years. She liked to have two drinks before dinner. So that meant there was a lot of chatter and conversation between us as we sipped. As we got to know each other well. A mutual feeling of friendship grew between us. I LIKED her. It was fun to see each other every week. I looked forward to Mondays. I had come to Washington DC to live with my aging mother. I needed an…
- Common Sense Is the Best Antidote for Propagandaby Bonnie B MathesonPhilosopher Hannah Arendt sheds some light on the “Twitter Files.” Annie Holmquist author Here is a reprinted article that was published in Annie’s Attic on December 30th. It would be a great start to the new year. What I wish for everyone is the ability to think and to do so with common sense: The holiday season brings lots of joy, cheer, and family time … and for those in the journalism industry, a slow news cycle. That tradition changed…
- The Week After Christmas!by Bonnie B MathesonMy favorite time of year! That time in between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. It lasts nearly a week. The day after Christmas is traditionally my absolute favorite. It is no longer as much a necessity as it was in those chaotic days when we had five children still in school. While they were all still living at home, Christmas was extremely hectic. Charley, Helen, Lilla, Robert, and Murdoch were as excited by Christmas as I was. I loved it….
- Thoughts on Christmas!by Bonnie B MathesonWe had three special birthdays this year. In January I turned 80 and my oldest son turned 60, my second-to-youngest son is 50. Amazing ages! We are all in excellent health! We celebrated these milestones with wonderful dinners. And we are grateful to various businesses, and for our many family members. Chisholm Vineyard and wine tasting venue is serving their wonderful wine and welcoming those who wish to taste their prize winning wine in their scenic localle. My family is…
- How to Survive Christmasby Bonnie B MathesonIce and snow were predicted for Wednesday. Yikes! If that happened, what could I do to protect myself and finish as many tasks as possible? In our family, there are some traditions that are simply carved in stone. Family gatherings for one thing, and decorations, christmas cards, presents, and at least one but more likely several family meals. There are five family birthdays this month. Those birthday people MUST have different presents, not just their gifts from Christmas. Decorations come…
- Happy Birthday, Robert!by Bonnie B MathesonFifty Years Ago, I had a Baby!! I was thirty, and we decided to have another baby. We already had three lovely children. But many of our friends were just getting married. It just looked like so much fun to add to the family. After all, Charley’s family had two sets of children separated by seven years. And we started so young with the first ‘set .’We were twenty when our first one was born, and I was still twenty-two…
- Tragic Story, Happy Ending!by Bonnie B MathesonOn the night before my debut, in June of 1960, my mother went out into the night down the driveway to the street after dark. The florist, Walter Sharon, who helped decorate the tents wanted her to see how they looked lighted at night. The tents were pink, dramatically illuminated by glittering small lights. They were hung with birdcages filled with flowers and each had a fake bird or two, adding to the glamor. It was “other-worldly,” the way the…
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